path: root/cogs/adv_inc/
diff options
authorlexicade <>2023-01-27 21:06:30 +0000
committerlexicade <>2023-01-27 21:06:30 +0000
commit52801b4de1d63cd01191acf7fcee137977140ec0 (patch)
tree08271a1f1e3e8060486b6651c67c9934867c648e /cogs/adv_inc/
parent8df873808c86805624851356f5dea76ec621de23 (diff)
Project initHEADmain
Diffstat (limited to 'cogs/adv_inc/')
1 files changed, 204 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cogs/adv_inc/ b/cogs/adv_inc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b425abb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cogs/adv_inc/
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+#Python modules
+import math
+import re
+import sys
+import os
+import importlib
+import utils
+from cogs.adv_inc import PlayerStats
+from cogs.adv_inc import Enemy
+from cogs.adv_inc import Items
+async def player_resting(params, player_stats):
+ # Inventory
+ if params["cmd1"].lower() == 'i' or params["cmd1"].lower() == 'inventory':
+ try:
+ params["cmd2"] = int(params["cmd2"])
+ except ValueError:
+ params["cmd2"] = 1
+ obj_player_inventory = await utils.sql_postgres("SELECT adventurersinc.get_player_inventory(%s, %s);", (params["nick"], (int(params["cmd2"]) * 5) - 5,), True)
+ # print(f"obj_player_inventory {obj_player_inventory}")
+ if not obj_player_inventory:
+ return "You have no items."
+ int_total_pages = int(math.ceil(obj_player_inventory[0][0]["total_items"] / 5))
+ str_output = ""
+ # print("#total pages", int_total_pages)
+ if 0 < params["cmd2"] <= int_total_pages:
+ str_output = f'Page {params["cmd2"]} of {int_total_pages}. ({params["nick"]})\n'
+ # print(str_output)
+ for item in obj_player_inventory:
+ str_equipped = 'Equipped ' if item[0]["equipped"] == 1 else 'Unequipped'
+ str_hands = "--" if str(item[0]["hands_req"]) == '0' else str(item[0]["hands_req"]) + "H"
+ str_output = f"{str_output}{item[0]['item_id']} {str_equipped} {str_hands} {item[0]['equipment_colour']} {item[0]['equipment_name']}\n"
+ return str_output
+ # Equip WIP
+ elif params["cmd1"].lower() == 'e' or params["cmd1"].lower() == 'equip':
+ # Check to un-equip
+ if params["cmd2"] == 'u' or params["cmd2"] == 'unequip':
+ await utils.sql_postgres("CALL adventurersinc.set_player_unequip_all(%s)", (params["nick"],), False)
+ return "All items have been unequipped."
+ elif params["cmd2"].isdigit():
+ # Check to see if an ID was supplied
+ sql_item = await utils.sql_postgres("SELECT adventurersinc.get_player_inventory_item(%s,%s);", (params["nick"], params["cmd2"],), True)
+ if sql_item[0][0] is not None:
+ # If selected item is weapon
+ if sql_item[0][0]['equipment_type'] == 'weapon':
+ sql_hands_used = await utils.sql_postgres("SELECT adventurersinc.get_player_equip_hands_used(%s)", (params["nick"],), True)
+ if sql_hands_used[0][0] is None:
+ sql_hands_used[0][0]["hands_req"] = 0
+ if sql_hands_used[0][0]["hands_req"] + sql_item[0][0]['hands_req'] <= 2 and sql_item[0][0]['equipped'] == 0:
+ await utils.sql_postgres("CALL adventurersinc.set_player_equipped_item(%s, %s, %s);", (params["cmd2"], True, params["nick"],), False)
+ return f"Equipping your {sql_item[0][0]['equipment_colour']}{sql_item[0][0]['equipment_name']}."
+ elif sql_item[0][0]['equipped'] == 1:
+ await utils.sql_postgres("CALL adventurersinc.set_player_equipped_item(%s, %s, %s);", (params["cmd2"], False, params["nick"],), False)
+ return f"Unequipping your {sql_item[0][0]['equipment_colour']}{sql_item[0][0]['equipment_name']}."
+ else:
+ return "You can only wield one two-handed weapon, or two one-handed weapons."
+ # If selected item is Armor
+ elif sql_item[0][0]['equipment_type'] == 'armour':
+ sql_armour = await utils.sql_postgres("SELECT adventurersinc.get_player_equip_armour_slot(%s, %s)", (params["nick"], sql_item[0][0]['equipment_slot'],), True)
+ # print(sql_armour)
+ if sql_item[0][0]['equipped'] is False and sql_armour[0][0] is None:
+ await utils.sql_postgres("CALL adventurersinc.set_player_equipped_item(%s, %s, %s);", (params["cmd2"], True, params["nick"],), False)
+ return f"Equipping your {sql_item[0][0]['equipment_colour']}{sql_item[0][0]['equipment_name']}."
+ elif sql_item[0][0]['equipped'] is True:
+ await utils.sql_postgres("CALL adventurersinc.set_player_equipped_item(%s, %s, %s);", (params["cmd2"], False, params["nick"],), False)
+ return f"Unequipping your {sql_item[0][0]['equipment_colour']}{sql_item[0][0]['equipment_name']}."
+ else:
+ return "You already have an item in this slot."
+ else:
+ return "This item does not exist."
+ # All other checks failed, print help message
+ else:
+ return "Available commands: e (u)nequip all, e <ID to equip/unequip>"
+ # Destroy WIP
+ elif params["cmd1"].lower() == 'd' or params["cmd1"].lower() == 'destroy':
+ if re.match("^[0-9]+$", params["cmd2"]):
+ c.execute("SELECT ID,nick,EquipmentColour,EquipmentSlot,equipment_type,EquipmentName,equipped,hands_req FROM Items_PlayerInventory WHERE nick='%s' AND ID=%s",(params["nick"], params["cmd2"],))
+ sql_item = c.fetchone()
+ item_name = sql_item['EquipmentName']
+ item_colour = sql_item['EquipmentColour']
+ if sql_item is not None:
+ c.execute("DELETE FROM Items_PlayerInventory WHERE nick='%s' AND ID=%s",(params["nick"], params["cmd2"]));db.commit();
+ return f"Your {item_name} has been destroyed."
+ # Battle
+ elif params["cmd1"].lower() == 'b' or params["cmd1"].lower() == 'battle':
+ enemy = {}
+ if player_stats['challenge_rating'] == int(math.ceil(player_stats['challenge_rating'] / 4) * 4):
+ enemy = await Enemy.create_enemy(enemy, player_stats, params)
+ return f"Your fighting has caught the attention of the {enemy['enemy_name']}."
+ else:
+ enemy = await Enemy.create_enemy(enemy, player_stats, params)
+ return f"You've been attacked by {enemy['enemy_name']}."
+ # Character
+ elif params["cmd1"].lower() == 'c' or params["cmd1"].lower() == 'character':
+ return await PlayerStats.print_stats(params)
+ # Shop
+ elif params["cmd1"].lower() == 's' or params["cmd1"].lower() == 'shop':
+ if params["cmd2"] is '':
+ sql_shop_inventory = await utils.sql_postgres("SELECT adventurersinc.get_player_shop_all(%s, %s);", (params["nick"], '%'), True)
+ str_output = f"You have {player_stats['currency']} gold.\n"
+ for sql_itm in sql_shop_inventory:
+ str_output = f"{str_output}" + \
+ f"{sql_itm[0]['shop_id']} " + \
+ f"{sql_itm[0]['equipment_colour']} " + \
+ f"{sql_itm[0]['equipment_name']} " + \
+ f"{sql_itm[0]['shop_cost']} gold\n"
+ return str_output
+ else:
+ sql_shop_items = await utils.sql_postgres("SELECT adventurersinc.get_player_shop_all(%s, %s);", (params["nick"], params["cmd2"],), True)
+ # Check is sql_shop_items returns None
+ if not sql_shop_items:
+ return "The shopkeep doesn't know what item you ask for."
+ else:
+ chosen_item = None
+ for item in sql_shop_items:
+ if int(item[0]['shop_id']) == int(params['cmd2']):
+ chosen_item = item[0]
+ # Check if chosen item cost can be purchased
+ if player_stats['currency'] < chosen_item['shop_cost']:
+ return "You cannot afford this item."
+ # Proceed with purchase
+ await Items.add_to_inventory(params, chosen_item)
+ await utils.sql_postgres("CALL adventurersinc.del_player_shop_item(%s, %s);", (str(params["nick"]), params["cmd2"],), False)
+ await utils.sql_postgres("CALL adventurersinc.set_player_gold(%s, %s);", (chosen_item['shop_cost'], params["nick"],), False)
+ return f"The {chosen_item['equipment_colour']}{chosen_item['equipment_name']} has been added to your inventory."
+ # Heal
+ elif params["cmd1"].lower() == 'r' or params["cmd1"].lower() == 'rest':
+ player_stats = await PlayerStats.refresh_stats(params)
+ if player_stats['rested_heal'] == 0:
+ if player_stats['hp'] >= player_stats['max_hp']:
+ await utils.sql_postgres("CALL adventurersinc.set_player_health(%s, %s)", (player_stats['hp'], params["nick"],), False)
+ return "You rest. You are already at max HP."
+ # If heal is an over-heal, heal to max instead
+ elif round(player_stats['max_hp']/2 + player_stats['hp']) > player_stats['max_hp']:
+ int_hp_gained = player_stats['max_hp']
+ await utils.sql_postgres("CALL adventurersinc.set_player_health(%s, %s)", (int_hp_gained, params["nick"],), False)
+ return "You rest and your wounds heal completely."
+ # Otherwise heal 50%
+ elif player_stats['hp'] < player_stats['max_hp']:
+ int_hp_gained = round(player_stats['max_hp']/2 + player_stats['hp'])
+ await utils.sql_postgres("CALL adventurersinc.set_player_health(%s, %s)", (int_hp_gained, params["nick"],), False)
+ return f"You rest and you recover {round(player_stats['max_hp']/2)}HP."
+ else:
+ return "You rest."
+ elif params["cmd1"].lower() == '_viewitem':
+ return await Items.generate_equipment(params, params["cmd2"])
+ elif params["cmd1"].lower() == '_fabled':
+ return await Items.item_test()
+ # DEBUG - Resolve an itemcode
+ elif params["cmd1"].lower() == '_mergeitemcodes':
+ item_codes = params["cmd2"].split('_')
+ return Items.MergeItemCodes(item_codes[0], item_codes[1])
+ # Version
+ elif params["cmd1"].lower() == 'v' or params["cmd1"].lower() == 'version':
+ return "Version 1.3 - Notes can be found at:"
+ # Admin commands
+ elif params["cmd1"].lower() == 'genitem' and params["nick"] == 182588470135488512:
+ await Items.add_to_inventory(params, await Items.generate_equipment(params, '0:0:0:0:1'))
+ # Death
+ elif params["cmd1"].lower() == 'suicide':
+ CharacterDeath(player_stats, params)
+ return "You committed suicide."
+ else:
+ return "Available commands: (i)nventory, (e)quip, (b)attle, (c)haracter, (s)hop, (r)est, (v)ersion, (d)estroy."