diff options
authorLuke Bratch <>2022-11-25 00:03:17 +0000
committerLuke Bratch <>2022-11-25 00:03:17 +0000
commitae1390b2bef4dc6a1a113cddaee37d745b559b1f (patch)
parent2e665e03b6175b3f31f0ef1e058183417df1456e (diff)
Implement fake QUIT handling via a NOTICE when doing a replay.
Since user QUIT messages don't contain channel names, clients that didn't know which channels a nick was in when receiving a quit message for that nick can't show a per-channel QUIT notification. Some clients just display the QUIT message in the server status window, others silently ignore it. Cater for those clients by sending a NOTICE about the QUIT rather than replaying it - assuming the nick isn't still in any of our channels.
5 files changed, 119 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
index e10a4e9..8d254bd 100644
--- a/TODO
+++ b/TODO
@@ -2,16 +2,14 @@ All the TODOs sprinkled throughout the code!
Configurable rotation of replay and debug logs.
+Automatic rotation of replay log along with debug log?
Configurable timestamp format in logs.
macOS compiler may need limits.h included in structures.h.
"Starting log replay...." followed by "Unable to read replay log file!" even though replay seemed to work?
-Sometimes replaymode = "lastspoke" will replay the last message you sent if you spoke last and sometimes it doesn't - change to always include your last message?
-Time based issue due to "seconds ago" rather than specific timestamp? Perhaps extract timestamp and replay from there.
-(Pending real world testing to be marked as fixed.)
Can memory usage be reduced further? (e.g. better channel struct management)
Ability to load new certificate whilst running.
diff --git a/functions.c b/functions.c
index 6d85d8e..6f8d131 100644
--- a/functions.c
+++ b/functions.c
@@ -1446,6 +1446,38 @@ int updatenickinallchannels(char *nickuserhost, char *newnick, struct channel *c
return 1;
+// Check if "nick" is in any channel or not.
+// Return 1 if it is, or 0 if not.
+int isnickinanychannel(struct channel *channels, int maxchannelcount, char *nick) {
+ debugprint(DEBUG_FULL, "isnickinanychannel(): given '%s'.\n", nick);
+ // Make sure the nick has a length of at least one
+ if (strlen(nick) < 1) {
+ debugprint(DEBUG_CRIT, "isnickinanychannel(): nick has no length, returning 0!\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // Go through all channels and see if nick is present
+ for (int i = 0; i < maxchannelcount; i++) {
+ // Don't bother checking this channel index if it isn't used
+ if (!channels[i].name[0]) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Go through all nicks in channel
+ for (int j = 0; j < MAXCHANNICKS; j++) {
+ // See if the nick is here
+ if (strlen(channels[i].nicks[j]) == strlen(nick) && !strcmp(channels[i].nicks[j], nick)) {
+ // Found it!
+ debugprint(DEBUG_FULL, "isnickinanychannel(): nick '%s' found in channel '%s', returning 1.\n", nick, channels[i].name);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ debugprint(DEBUG_FULL, "isnickinanychannel(): nick '%s' not found in any channel '%s', returning 0.\n", nick);
+ return 0;
// Populate our channels struct with all nicks in a RPL_NAMREPLY
// Returns 1 on success or 0 on failure
int addnamereplytochannel(char *namereply, struct channel *channels, int maxchannelcount) {
diff --git a/functions.h b/functions.h
index 28b6413..5799aa6 100644
--- a/functions.h
+++ b/functions.h
@@ -205,6 +205,10 @@ int removenickfromallchannels(char *nickuserhost, struct channel *channels, int
// Returns 1 on success or 0 on failure
int updatenickinallchannels(char *nickuserhost, char *newnick, struct channel *channels, int maxchannelcount);
+// Check if "nick" is in a channel or not.
+// Return 1 if it is, or 0 if not.
+int isnickinanychannel(struct channel *channels, int maxchannelcount, char *nick);
// Populate our channels struct with all nicks in a RPL_NAMREPLY
// Returns 1 on success or 0 on failure
int addnamereplytochannel(char *namereply, struct channel *channels, int maxchannelcount);
diff --git a/replay.c b/replay.c
index c63e859..b90431c 100644
--- a/replay.c
+++ b/replay.c
@@ -45,9 +45,11 @@ int gettimestamp(char *str) {
// Set 'str' to a string with the leading unixtime timestamp removed.
+// Record the stripped timestamp in 'origtimestamp'.
// Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure
-int striptimestamp(char *str) {
+int striptimestamp(char *str, int *origtimestamp) {
char line[MAXCHAR];
+ char origtimestr[MAXCHAR];
int count = 0;
// Make sure we're starting with a digit
@@ -58,10 +60,15 @@ int striptimestamp(char *str) {
// Skip over each digit until we encounter a non-digit, record the position
for (int i = 0; i < TIMELEN; i++) {
if (isdigit(str[i])) {
+ // Copy timestamp into 'origtimestr'
+ origtimestr[i] = str[i];
+ origtimestr[count] = '\0';
+ *origtimestamp = strtol(origtimestr, NULL, 10);
// Skip over the space
@@ -85,7 +92,8 @@ int striptimestamp(char *str) {
// :foo!bar@baz PRIVMSG foo :[17:41:41] hello world
// Or the same but e.g. [DD/MM/YY HH:MM:SS] if replaydates == 1.
// Only inserts the formatted time for PRIVMSGs at the moment (and maybe only needs to!).
-void formattime(char *str, int replaydates) {
+// Saves the original timestamp in 'origtimestamp' either way.
+void formattime(char *str, int replaydates, int *origtimestamp) {
// Extract the timestamp for conversion into [HH:MM:SS]
char timestr[TIMELEN];
sprintf(timestr, "%d", gettimestamp(str)); // Convert int time to string time
@@ -99,8 +107,8 @@ void formattime(char *str, int replaydates) {
strftime(timestampf, DATETIMELEN, "[%H:%M:%S]", &tm);
- // Strip the original unixtimestamp
- striptimestamp(str);
+ // Strip the original unixtimestamp, recording the original timestamp in case it's needed
+ striptimestamp(str, origtimestamp);
// Take note of the length
int len = strlen(str);
@@ -179,10 +187,12 @@ void formattime(char *str, int replaydates) {
// 1. TOPIC/JOIN/PART but we're not in the channel any more
// 2. TOPIC/JOIN/PART and it was from us
// 3. NICK from us but not our current nick
+// 4. QUIT from a nick that is not currently in any channel (in which case
+// 'sourcefd' is used to fake the QUIT using a NOTICE)
// Returns 1 if the replay line should go through as is
// Returns 0 if the replay line should be skipped
// Returns -1 on error
-int sanitisereplay (char *str, struct ircdstate *ircdstate, struct channel *channels) {
+int sanitisereplay (char *str, int sourcefd, int *origtimestamp, struct client *clients, struct settings *settings,struct ircdstate *ircdstate, struct channel *channels) {
// Check if the replay line is a TOPIC, a JOIN, or a PART so we don't
// replay those if we are not currently in the channel they are from
// otherwise clients and state go a bit mad.
@@ -208,6 +218,9 @@ int sanitisereplay (char *str, struct ircdstate *ircdstate, struct channel *chan
strncpy(tokens[i], token, strlen(token) + 1);
+ // Done with strcopy
+ free(strcopyPtr);
if (strncmp(tokens[1], "TOPIC", strlen("TOPIC")) == 0 ||
strncmp(tokens[1], "JOIN", strlen("JOIN")) == 0 ||
strncmp(tokens[1], "PART", strlen("PART")) == 0) {
@@ -224,7 +237,6 @@ int sanitisereplay (char *str, struct ircdstate *ircdstate, struct channel *chan
if (!inchannel(channels, ircdstate->maxchannelcount, tokens[2] + offset) ||
((strlen(tokens[0]) == strlen(ircdstate->ircnick)) && (strncmp(tokens[0], ircdstate->ircnick, strlen(tokens[0])) == 0))) {
debugprint(DEBUG_FULL, "sanitisereplay(): Not sending '%s' replay line '%s'.\n", tokens[1], str);
- free(strcopyPtr);
return 0;
@@ -235,12 +247,63 @@ int sanitisereplay (char *str, struct ircdstate *ircdstate, struct channel *chan
if ((strlen(tokens[0]) == strlen(ircdstate->ircnick)) && (strncmp(tokens[0], ircdstate->ircnick, strlen(tokens[0])) == 0)) {
debugprint(DEBUG_FULL, "sanitisereplay(): Not sending '%s' replay line '%s'.\n", tokens[1], str);
- free(strcopyPtr);
return 0;
- free(strcopyPtr);
+ // Fake QUIT handling. Since user QUIT messages don't contain channel names, clients that
+ // didn't know which channels a nick was in when receiving a quit message for that nick
+ // can't show a per-channel QUIT notification. Some clients just display the QUIT message
+ // in the server status window, others silently ignore it. Cater for those clients by
+ // sending a NOTICE about the QUIT rather than replaying it - assuming the nick isn't
+ // still in any of our channels.
+ if (strncmp(tokens[1], "QUIT", strlen("QUIT")) == 0) {
+ extractnickfromprefix(tokens[0], 1);
+ // Only do any of this if the nick isn't in any channels
+ if (isnickinanychannel(channels, ircdstate->maxchannelcount, tokens[0])) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ debugprint(DEBUG_FULL, "sanitisereplay(): Faking QUIT message as NOTICE for '%s'.\n", tokens[0]);
+ time_t rawtime = *origtimestamp;
+ struct tm tm;
+ char timestampf[DATETIMELEN]; // Formatted timestamp
+ // Format time, "ddd yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss zzz"
+ tm = *localtime(&rawtime);
+ if (settings->replaydates) {
+ strftime(timestampf, DATETIMELEN, "[%x %H:%M:%S]", &tm);
+ } else {
+ strftime(timestampf, DATETIMELEN, "[%H:%M:%S]", &tm);
+ }
+ // Prepare a new temporary string for the original QUIT message
+ char *strcopyquit = strdup(str);
+ // Keep track of initial pointer for free()ing later
+ char *strcopyquitPtr = strcopyquit;
+ extractfinalparameter(strcopyquit);
+ // Remove trailing CRLF (if any)
+ if (strlen(strcopyquit) > 2) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ if (strcopyquit[strlen(strcopyquit) - 1] == '\n' || strcopyquit[strlen(strcopyquit) - 1] == '\r') {
+ strcopyquit[strlen(strcopyquit) - 1] = '\0';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ char outgoingmsg[MAXDATASIZE];
+ if (!snprintf(outgoingmsg, MAXDATASIZE, "NOTICE %s :%s %s has quit (%s).", ircdstate->ircnick, timestampf, tokens[0], strcopyquit)) {
+ debugprint(DEBUG_CRIT, "sanitisereplay(): error: couldn't prepare fake QUIT message as NOTICE!\n");
+ } else {
+ sendtoclient(sourcefd, outgoingmsg, clients, settings, 0);
+ }
+ free(strcopyquitPtr);
+ return 1;
+ }
return 1;
@@ -292,7 +355,7 @@ int replaylinestime(int seconds, char *basedir) {
// if settings.replaydates == 1.
// Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure, or -1 if the line should be ignored.
// TODO - This is horribly inefficient since it re-reads the entire file each call, rewrite this!
-int readreplayline(int seconds, int linenum, char *str, struct settings *settings, struct ircdstate *ircdstate) {
+int readreplayline(int seconds, int linenum, char *str, int *origtimestamp, struct settings *settings, struct ircdstate *ircdstate) {
FILE *fp;
char line[MAXCHAR];
char filename[PATH_MAX];
@@ -339,7 +402,7 @@ int readreplayline(int seconds, int linenum, char *str, struct settings *setting
// ...then return it
// Insert our formatted [HH:MM:SS] timestamp into the message
- formattime(line, settings->replaydates);
+ formattime(line, settings->replaydates, origtimestamp);
strncpy(str, line, strlen(line));
str[strlen(line)] = '\0';
@@ -465,7 +528,9 @@ int doreplaytime(int sourcefd, int replayseconds, struct client *clients, struct
// Replay those lines!
for (int i = 0; i < numlines; i++) {
- int ret = readreplayline(replayseconds, i, outgoingmsg, settings, ircdstate);
+ int origtimestamp;
+// origtimestamp[0] = '\0';
+ int ret = readreplayline(replayseconds, i, outgoingmsg, &origtimestamp, settings, ircdstate);
if (ret == 0) {
debugprint(DEBUG_CRIT, "doreplaytime(): Error requesting replay line.\n");
return 0;
@@ -474,7 +539,7 @@ int doreplaytime(int sourcefd, int replayseconds, struct client *clients, struct
- if (sanitisereplay(outgoingmsg, ircdstate, channels) < 1) {
+ if (sanitisereplay(outgoingmsg, sourcefd, &origtimestamp, clients, settings, ircdstate, channels) < 1) {
@@ -539,12 +604,13 @@ int doreplaylastspoke(int sourcefd, long linenumber, struct client *clients, str
// Insert our formatted [HH:MM:SS] timestamp into the message
- formattime(line, settings->replaydates);
+ int origtimestamp;
+ formattime(line, settings->replaydates, &origtimestamp);
strncpy(outgoingmsg, line, strlen(line));
outgoingmsg[strlen(line)] = '\0';
- if (sanitisereplay(outgoingmsg, ircdstate, channels) < 1) {
+ if (sanitisereplay(outgoingmsg, sourcefd, &origtimestamp, clients, settings, ircdstate, channels) < 1) {
diff --git a/replay.h b/replay.h
index dcf6771..d2d2c6d 100644
--- a/replay.h
+++ b/replay.h
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
// 'basedir' is the directory in which to find 'replay.log'.
int replaylinestime(int seconds, char *basedir);
-int readreplayline(int seconds, int linenum, char *str, struct settings *settings, struct ircdstate *ircdstate);
+int readreplayline(int seconds, int linenum, char *str, int *origtimestamp, struct settings *settings, struct ircdstate *ircdstate);
// Returns the line number in the replay log file on which 'nick' last spoke, or -1 if there is a problem.
// 'basedir' is the directory in which to find 'replay.log'.