path: root/blatube_v1.0.0.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'blatube_v1.0.0.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 220 deletions
diff --git a/blatube_v1.0.0.rb b/blatube_v1.0.0.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ecd5fb..0000000
--- a/blatube_v1.0.0.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
-require 'optparse'
-require 'open-uri'
-require 'nokogiri'
-require 'yaml'
-require 'json'
-@output = []
-@line = nil
-@from_station = nil
-@to_station = nil
-@weight = 'peak_time'
-@change_time = 5
-@colour = false
-debug = false
-help = false
-ops = nil
-VERSION = 'v1.0.0'
-INFINITY = 1 << 64
-WEIGHTS = ['distance','peak_time','off_peak_time','unimpeded_time']
-STDIN.gets.split(' ').each{|arg| ARGV << arg} if ARGV == []
-args = ARGV.dup
-options = do |opts|
- opts.banner = "Usage: #{File.basename($0)} -h"
- opts.on( '-s', '--status LINE', 'Get the current status of a tube line.' ) {|l| @line = l }
- opts.on( '-f', '--from-station STATION', 'Find route from this station.' ) {|f| @from_station = f }
- opts.on( '-t', '--to-station STATION', 'Find route to this station.' ) {|t| @to_station = t }
- opts.on( '-w', '--weight WEIGHT', 'Shortest route using either distance, peak_time, off_peak_time or unimpeded_time.' ) {|w| @weight = w if WEIGHTS.include? w || 'peak_time' }
- opts.on( '-c', '--change-time TIME', 'Your expected average change time in minutes.' ) {|c| @change_time = c.to_f.round(2) }
- opts.on( '-C', '--colour', 'Enable line colours in the output.' ) { @colour = true }
- opts.on( '-d', '--debug', 'Display debug info.' ) { debug = true }
- opts.on( '-v', '--version', 'blatube version number.' ) { puts VERSION; exit }
- opts.on( '-h', '--help', 'Display this screen.' ) { help = true; ops = opts }
-@output << "args: #{args.inspect}" if debug
-if args == []
- @output << "Usage: #{File.basename($0)} -h"
- puts @output.join ' '
- exit -1
-class Array
- def pairs
- pairs = []
- self.each_with_index do |element, index|
- pairs << [element,self[index+1]]
- end
- pairs.pop
- pairs
- end
-#TODO: add via_station
-def calculate_shortest_route
- return unless interpret_user_input
- @shortest_route = []
- calculate_routes
- traverse_route @to_station.upcase
- build_route_output
-def interpret_user_input
- stations = {|station| station.split('_')[0]}.uniq.sort
- found_from_station, @from_station = interpret stations, @from_station
- found_to_station, @to_station = interpret stations, @to_station
- return found_from_station && found_to_station
-def interpret stations, station
- found_station = false
- if stations.include?(station.upcase)
- found_station = true
- elsif (most_likely = {|stat| stat.match("^#{station.upcase}.*") ? stat : nil}.compact) != []
- if most_likely.size == 1
- station = most_likely.first
- found_station = true
- else
- @output << "Did you mean: #{ {|stat| stat.split(' ').map {|word| word.capitalize}.join(' ')}.join(', ')}?"
- end
- elsif (less_likely = {|stat| stat.match(".*#{station.upcase}.*") ? stat : nil}.compact) != []
- if less_likely.size == 1
- station = less_likely.first
- found_station = true
- else
- @output << "Did you mean: #{ {|stat| stat.split(' ').map {|word| word.capitalize}.join(' ')}.join(', ')}?"
- end
- else
- @output << "Could not find a matching station for '#{station}'."
- end
- return found_station, station
-def calculate_routes
- routes,distances = YAML::load("cache/#{@from_station}_#{@weight == 'distance' ? @weight : "#{@weight}_#{@change_time}"}.yaml", 'r'))
- @distances = distances
- @routes = routes
-rescue Errno::ENOENT
- add_change_time unless @weight == 'distance'
- run_algorithm @graph, @graph.keys, @from_station.upcase
-"cache/#{@from_station}_#{@weight == 'distance' ? @weight : "#{@weight}_#{@change_time}"}.yaml", 'w') << [@routes,@distances].to_yaml
-#TODO: changes on the same line (eg. 'CAMDEN TOWN')
-def add_change_time
- @graph.each do |from_station,to_stations|
- next unless current_line = from_station.split('_')[1]
- to_stations.each do |to_station,data|
- data[@weight] += @change_time unless data['line'] == current_line
- end
- end
-def run_algorithm graph, nodes, start_node
- @distances = INFINITY
- @routes = -1
- @distances[start_node] = 0
- nodes_size = nodes.size
- while nodes_size > 0
- current_node = nodes.first
- nodes.each {|node| current_node = node if @distances[node] < @distances[current_node]}
- break if @distances[current_node] == INFINITY
- nodes.delete current_node
- nodes_size -= 1
- graph[current_node].keys.each do |next_node|
- new_distance = @distances[current_node] + graph[current_node][next_node][@weight]
- if new_distance < @distances[next_node]
- @distances[next_node] = new_distance
- @routes[next_node] = current_node
- end
- end
- end
- @distances.delete_if {|node, distance| distance == INFINITY}
-def traverse_route to_station
- if @routes[to_station] != -1
- traverse_route @routes[to_station]
- end
- @shortest_route << to_station
-#TODO: a nicer way of doing this
-def build_route_output
- line_colours = @colour ? YAML::load('line_colours.yaml')) :'')
- verbose_route = ''
- pairs = @shortest_route.pairs
- from,to = pairs.first
- current_line = @graph[from][to]['line']
- verbose_route << "#{line_colours[current_line]}#{from} - #{current_line} (#{@graph[from][to]['direction']})"
- pairs[1..-2].each do |from,to|
- next if (new_line = @graph[from][to]['line']) == current_line || @graph[from][to]['direction'] == nil
- current_line = new_line
- from_s = from.split('_')[0]
- from_1 = from_s[0..(from_s.length/2.0 - 1)]
- from_2 = from_s[(from_s.length/2.0)..-1]
- verbose_route << " - #{from_1}#{line_colours['reset_colour']}#{line_colours[new_line]}#{from_2} - #{new_line} (#{@graph[from][to]['direction']})"
- end
- from,to = pairs.last
- new_line = @graph[from][to]['line']
- from_s = from.split('_')[0]
- from_1 = from_s[0..(from_s.length/2.0 - 1)]
- from_2 = from_s[(from_s.length/2.0)..-1]
- verbose_route << " - #{from_1}#{line_colours['reset_colour']}#{line_colours[new_line]}#{from_2} - #{new_line} (#{@graph[from][to]['direction']})" unless new_line == current_line
- verbose_route << " - #{to}#{line_colours['reset_colour']}"
- @output << verbose_route
- if @weight == 'distance'
- @output << "Distance: #{@distances[@to_station.upcase].round(2)} km"
- else
- minutes = @distances[@to_station.upcase].round(2)
- seconds = (minutes - minutes.to_i) * 60
- @output << "Travel Time: #{minutes.to_i}:#{seconds.round}"
- end
-def get_line_status
- xml = Nokogiri::HTML(open('')).remove_namespaces!
- sorted_lines = xml.xpath('//linestatus').sort_by {|xml| xml.xpath('.//line/@name').text}
- if @line && @line != 'summary'
- l_s_xml = nil
- sorted_lines.each {|xml| l_s_xml = xml and break if xml.xpath('.//line/@name').text.upcase.match @line.upcase}
- @output << ("#{l_s_xml.xpath('.//line/@name').text}: #{l_s_xml.xpath('.//status/@description').text}. #{l_s_xml.xpath('./@statusdetails').text}" rescue "Could not find a line matching '#{@line}'")
- else
- line_summary = ''
- sorted_lines.each {|xml| line_summary << "#{xml.xpath('.//line/@name').text}: #{xml.xpath('./@statusdetails').text} " unless xml.xpath('./@statusdetails').text == ''}
- @output << (line_summary == '' ? 'Good Serice on all lines.' : "#{line_summary}Good Service on all other lines.")
- end
-#TODO: store graph as yaml in a way that works with add_change_time
- if help
- ops.to_s.split(/\n\s*|\s{2,}/).each{|opt| @output << opt}
- elsif @line
- get_line_status
- elsif @from_station && @to_station
- #@graph = YAML::load('graph.yaml'))
- @graph = JSON.parse('graph.json').read)
- calculate_shortest_route
- elsif @from_station || @to_station
- @output << 'Please specify the station you are travelling from (-f) and the station you are travelling to (-t).'
- elsif ARGV.size == 2
- #@graph = YAML::load('graph.yaml'))
- @graph = JSON.parse('graph.json').read)
- @from_station = ARGV[0]
- @to_station = ARGV[1]
- calculate_shortest_route
- elsif ARGV.size == 1
- @line = ARGV[0]
- get_line_status
- else
- get_line_status
- end
- puts @output.join ' '
-rescue StandardError => e
- puts (@output << e.message).join ' '
- puts e.message
- puts e.backtrace