path: root/cogs/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cogs/')
1 files changed, 278 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cogs/ b/cogs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..089e4f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cogs/
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+from discord.ext import commands
+from collections import OrderedDict
+import os
+import discord
+from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz
+import requests
+import json
+import locale
+import pickle
+import importlib
+import utils
+import time
+colours = {"default": 0,
+ "teal": 0x1abc9c,
+ "dark teal": 0x11806a,
+ "green": 0x2ecc71,
+ "dark green": 0x1f8b4c,
+ "blue": 0x3498db,
+ "dark blue": 0x206694,
+ "purple": 0x9b59b6,
+ "dark purple": 0x71368a,
+ "magenta": 0xe91e63,
+ "dark magenta": 0xad1457,
+ "gold": 0xf1c40f,
+ "dark gold": 0xc27c0e,
+ "orange": 0xe67e22,
+ "dark orange": 0xa84300,
+ "red": 0xe74c3c,
+ "dark red": 0x992d22,
+ "lighter grey": 0x95a5a6,
+ "dark grey": 0x607d8b,
+ "light grey": 0x979c9f,
+ "darker grey": 0x546e7a,
+ "blurple": 0x7289da,
+ "greyple": 0x99aab5}
+class Steam(commands.Cog):
+ def __init__(self, bot):
+ = bot
+ locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
+ #
+ # async def steam(self, ctx):
+ # """Search steam for games."""
+ # if search == ():
+ # # Create message
+ # prefix = await
+ #
+ # emb = await utils.embed(ctx, f"Commands for `{prefix[2]}steam`", "", "")
+ # emb = await utils.field(emb, f"{prefix[2]}steam `[text]`", "Return an SCPs info from the scp-wiki")
+ # emb = await utils.field(emb, f"{prefix[2]}steam `[game name]`", "Search for a game on steam")
+ # emb = await utils.field(emb, f"{prefix[2]}steam list `[game name]`", "Search for the closest top 10 games on Steam")
+ # emb = await utils.field(emb, f"{prefix[2]}steam list select `[id]`", "Show a games information from the search list.")
+ # await ctx.send(embed=emb)
+ # if
+ # await ctx.message.delete()
+ @commands.command(
+ aliases=[],
+ application_command_meta=commands.ApplicationCommandMeta(
+ options=[
+ discord.ApplicationCommandOption(
+ name="game_name",
+ description="Search for a game on the Steam store.",
+ type=discord.ApplicationCommandOptionType.string,
+ required=True,
+ )
+ ],
+ )
+ )
+ @commands.defer(ephemeral=False)
+ async def steam(self, ctx, *, game_name):
+ """Search for a game on the Steam store."""
+ # await
+ # await ctx.interaction.edit_original_message(content="Searching for game...")
+ search = " ".join(game_name)
+ start_time = time.time()
+ # Get live or cached JSON
+ json_data = await self.get_json_data()
+ # Get 1 match form the given search term
+ new_list = await self.get_best_matches(search, 1, json_data)
+ if new_list != {}:
+ # Collect data for the given AppID
+ message_output = await self.steam_by_app_id(new_list["1"]["app_id"])
+ # Generate an embed message for the AppID
+ if message_output is None:
+ emb = await utils.embed(ctx, f"Unable to access information for the game `{new_list['1']['app_name']}`",
+ "This game/app is likely hidden and will not work.")
+ await ctx.send(embed=emb)
+ elif type(message_output) == dict:
+ emb = await self.create_embed(message_output, ctx, f"\nDone in {round(time.time() - start_time, 2)} seconds.")
+ await ctx.interaction.edit_original_message(content=None, embed=emb)
+ else:
+ await ctx.send(content=f"I couldn't find anything similar to that")
+ # @commands.defer(ephemeral=False)
+ # @steam.command(invoke_without_command=True)
+ # async def list(self, ctx, *search_term):
+ # await
+ # search_term = " ".join(search_term)
+ #
+ # # Load steam search config
+ # try:
+ # loaded_obj = await self.load_obj("steam")
+ # except EOFError:
+ # loaded_obj = {}
+ #
+ # # Get live or cached JSON
+ # json_data = await self.get_json_data()
+ # top_matches = await self.get_best_matches(search_term, 10, json_data)
+ # best_ten = ""
+ # for item in top_matches:
+ # best_ten = best_ten + f"**{item})** {top_matches[item]['app_name']} `({top_matches[item]['app_match']}%)`\n"
+ # best_ten = best_ten + "\nThese are the closest 10 matches.\nUse the list select `[id]` command to pick an item from this list."
+ #
+ # search_json = {f"{}#{}": top_matches}
+ # await self.save_obj(search_json, "steam")
+ #
+ # # Print output
+ # message_embed = discord.Embed(title="", description=best_ten, colour=colours["blue"])
+ # message_embed.set_footer(text=f"Requested by {}.")
+ # message_embed.set_author(, url="",
+ #
+ # await ctx.send(embed=message_embed)
+ #
+ # @list.command()
+ # async def select(self, ctx, *, search_int):
+ # ret = await self.load_obj("steam")
+ #
+ # if f"{}#{}" in str(ret):
+ # for i, item in enumerate(ret[f"{}#{}"].values()):
+ # if i+1 == int(search_int):
+ # # Collect data for the given AppID
+ # message_output = await self.steam_by_app_id(item["app_id"])
+ #
+ # # Generate an embed message for the AppID
+ # if message_output is None:
+ # message_embed = discord.Embed(title=f"Unable to access information for the game `{item['app_name']}`",
+ # description="This game/app is likely hidden and will not work.",
+ # colour=colours["blue"])
+ # await ctx.send(embed=message_embed)
+ #
+ # elif type(message_output) == dict:
+ # app_embed = await self.create_embed(message_output, ctx)
+ # await ctx.send(embed=app_embed)
+ #
+ # ret.pop(f"{}#{}", None)
+ # await self.save_obj(ret, "steam")
+ #
+ # else:
+ # await ctx.send(content="No search results to use.")
+ async def create_embed(self, message_output, ctx, footer=""):
+ message_output["description"] = message_output["description"].replace("&", "&").replace(""", "\"")
+ emb = await utils.embed(ctx, message_output["name"], message_output["description"], url=message_output["url"], image=message_output["image"], footer=footer)
+ emb = await utils.field(emb, "Price", message_output["cost"] + " " + message_output["discount"])
+ emb = await utils.field(emb, "Platforms", value=message_output["support"], inline=True)
+ emb = await utils.field(emb, "Reviews", value=message_output["reviews"], inline=True)
+ val_release = "N/A" if message_output["releasedate"] == "" else message_output["releasedate"]
+ emb = await utils.field(emb, "Release Date", value=val_release, inline=True)
+ return emb
+ async def get_json_data(self):
+ response = requests.get("")
+ json_data = json.loads(response.text)
+ if json_data == {'applist': {'apps': []}}:
+ with open('./cogs/steam_app_cache.json') as json_file:
+ json_data = json.load(json_file)
+ return json_data
+ async def get_best_matches(self, search_term, return_total, json_data):
+ lst_all_results = []
+ for i, item in enumerate(json_data['applist']['apps']):
+ # print(f"var: {search_term} - type:{type(search_term)}")
+ # print(f"var: {str(item['name']).lower()} - type:{type(str(item['name']).lower())}")
+ app_match = fuzz.ratio(str(item['name']).lower(), search_term.lower())
+ lst_all_results.append({"app_match": app_match, "app_id": str(item['appid']), "app_name": str(item['name'])})
+ lst_all_results_sorted = sorted(lst_all_results, key=lambda k: k["app_match"], reverse=True)
+ return_dict = {}
+ for i, item in enumerate(lst_all_results_sorted[:return_total]):
+ app_key = i+1
+ return_dict[str(app_key)] = {"app_match": item["app_match"],
+ "app_id": item["app_id"],
+ "app_name": item["app_name"]}
+ return return_dict
+ @staticmethod
+ async def steam_by_app_id(str_app_id):
+ # Obtain and load the JSON
+ #
+ game_req = requests.get(f"{str_app_id}&cc=gb")
+ game_req_data = json.loads(game_req.text)
+ if game_req_data[str_app_id]["success"]:
+ # Platforms
+ game_support_concat = []
+ if game_req_data[str_app_id]['data']['platforms']['windows']:
+ game_support_concat.append("Windows")
+ if game_req_data[str_app_id]['data']['platforms']['linux']:
+ game_support_concat.append("Linux")
+ if game_req_data[str_app_id]['data']['platforms']['mac']:
+ game_support_concat.append("Mac")
+ game_support_concat = ", ".join(game_support_concat)
+ # Determine price
+ game_name = str(game_req_data[str_app_id]['data']['name'])
+ game_free = str(game_req_data[str_app_id]['data']['is_free'])
+ game_url = f"{str_app_id}/{game_name.replace(' ', '_')}/"
+ if game_free == "True":
+ game_cost = "Free"
+ game_discount = ""
+ else:
+ try:
+ game_cost = game_req_data[str_app_id]['data']['price_overview']['final_formatted']
+ game_discount = str(game_req_data[str_app_id]['data']['price_overview']['discount_percent'])
+ if game_discount == "0":
+ game_discount = ""
+ else:
+ game_discount = "(" + game_discount + "% off!)"
+ except Exception as e:
+ game_cost = "No Price Listed!"
+ game_discount = ""
+ # Get reviews data
+ review_request = requests.get(f"{str_app_id}?json=1&language=all&purchase_type=all")
+ review_request_data = json.loads(review_request.text)
+ game_details = {"name": game_name,
+ "cost": game_cost,
+ "discount": game_discount,
+ "support": game_support_concat,
+ "description": str(game_req_data[str_app_id]['data']['short_description']),
+ "url": game_url,
+ "image": game_req_data[str_app_id]['data']["header_image"],
+ "reviews": review_request_data["query_summary"]["review_score_desc"],
+ "releasedate": game_req_data[str_app_id]['data']["release_date"]["date"]
+ }
+ else:
+ game_details = None
+ return game_details
+ @staticmethod
+ async def save_obj(obj, filename: str):
+ with open(f"{filename}.pkl", 'wb') as f:
+ pickle.dump(obj, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
+ @staticmethod
+ async def load_obj(filename):
+ if not os.path.isfile("./steam.pkl"):
+ os.mknod("./steam.pkl")
+ with open(f"{filename}.pkl", "rb") as f:
+ return pickle.load(f)
+def setup(bot):
+ print("INFO: Loading [Steam]... ", end="")
+ bot.add_cog(Steam(bot))
+ print("Done!")
+def teardown(bot):
+ print("INFO: Unloading [Steam]")