path: root/cogs/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cogs/')
1 files changed, 166 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cogs/ b/cogs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b655d3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cogs/
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+from discord.ext import commands
+import discord
+import re
+import random
+colours = {"default": 0,
+ "teal": 0x1abc9c,
+ "dark teal": 0x11806a,
+ "green": 0x2ecc71,
+ "dark green": 0x1f8b4c,
+ "blue": 0x3498db,
+ "dark blue": 0x206694,
+ "purple": 0x9b59b6,
+ "dark purple": 0x71368a,
+ "magenta": 0xe91e63,
+ "dark magenta": 0xad1457,
+ "gold": 0xf1c40f,
+ "dark gold": 0xc27c0e,
+ "orange": 0xe67e22,
+ "dark orange": 0xa84300,
+ "red": 0xe74c3c,
+ "dark red": 0x992d22,
+ "lighter grey": 0x95a5a6,
+ "dark grey": 0x607d8b,
+ "light grey": 0x979c9f,
+ "darker grey": 0x546e7a,
+ "blurple": 0x7289da,
+ "greyple": 0x99aab5}
+class RollDice(commands.Cog):
+ def __init__(self, bot):
+ = bot
+ global extension_name
+ extension_name = "[Roll Dice] "
+ @commands.command(aliases=[], application_command_meta=commands.ApplicationCommandMeta(options=[]))
+ async def roll(self, ctx, *, arg):
+ """Roll whatever sided dice you need to roll."""
+ demo_roll = re.sub(r'[^\d+\-d-d]', " ", arg)
+ print(f"`{demo_roll.strip()}`")
+ if demo_roll.strip() is not "":
+ output = self.roll_dice(arg)
+ await ctx.send(content=output)
+ else:
+ await ctx.send(content="I wasn't able to get a roll from that.")
+ def roll_dice(self, str_input):
+ import ast
+ import operator
+ _OP_MAP = {
+ ast.Add: operator.add,
+ ast.Sub: operator.sub,
+ ast.Mult: operator.mul,
+ ast.Div: operator.truediv,
+ ast.Invert: operator.neg,
+ }
+ class Calc(ast.NodeVisitor):
+ def visit_BinOp(self, node):
+ left = self.visit(node.left)
+ right = self.visit(node.right)
+ return _OP_MAP[type(node.op)](left, right)
+ def visit_Num(self, node):
+ return node.n
+ def visit_Expr(self, node):
+ return self.visit(node.value)
+ @classmethod
+ def evaluate(cls, expression):
+ tree = ast.parse(expression)
+ calc = cls()
+ return calc.visit(tree.body[0])
+ # print(f"Processing 0 : {str_input}")
+ str_input = re.sub(r'[^\d+\-d-d]', " ", str_input)
+ str_input = str_input.replace("+", " ").strip()
+ str_input = str_input.replace("-", " -")
+ # print(f"Processing 1: {str_input}")
+ while " " in str_input:
+ str_input = str_input.replace(" ", " ")
+ while r'- #' in str_input:
+ str_input = re.sub(r'- #', r'-# ', str_input, )
+ # print(f"Processing 2: {str_input}")
+ str_input_search ='- [\d+]', str_input)
+ while'- [\d+]', str_input) is not None:
+ str_input_find = str(
+ str_input_fixed = str(" ", "")
+ str_input = re.sub(str_input_find, str_input_fixed, str_input)
+ str_input_search ='- [\d+]', str_input)
+ # print(f"Post processing string: {str_input}")
+ # Begin processing the rolls
+ str_input_split = str_input.split(" ")
+ int_roll_total = 0
+ lst_current_die_rolls = []
+ ls_all_die_rolls = []
+ # Generate results for all rolls
+ for i1, list_item in enumerate(str_input_split):
+ if "d" in list_item:
+ if list_item.startswith("-"):
+ minus_if_negative = "-"
+ list_item = list_item[1:]
+ else:
+ minus_if_negative = ""
+ # Check if current item is a dice roll, and get those fuccbois
+ list_item = list_item.split("d")
+ if len(list_item) > 1:
+ i = 0
+ if list_item[0].isdigit() and list_item[1].isdigit():
+ # Eject the fuck out if the user input tries to kick our shit in
+ if int(list_item[0]) > 100000:
+ return "Please throw less dice."
+ elif int(list_item[1]) > 100000:
+ return "Please choose smaller dice."
+ else:
+ # All clear, go ahead and roll the dice
+ while i < int(list_item[0]):
+ # Roll 1 die
+ int_roll = random.randint(1, int(list_item[1]))
+ # Assimilate that dank roll
+ int_roll_total = int_roll_total + int_roll
+ i += 1
+ # Make a nice steamy log of rolls
+ lst_current_die_rolls.append(str(int_roll))
+ # Make a nice steamy log out of nice steamy logs
+ ls_all_die_rolls.append(
+ "(d" + str(list_item[1]) + ": " + ",".join(lst_current_die_rolls) + ")")
+ lst_current_die_rolls = []
+ str_input_split[i1] = minus_if_negative + str(int_roll_total)
+ str_input = '+'.join(str_input_split).replace("+-", "-")
+ # print("Stage 6: "+str_input)
+ if len("".join(ls_all_die_rolls)) <= 100:
+ # print(f"f {str_input}")
+ str_output = f"Total: {Calc.evaluate(str_input)} {''.join(ls_all_die_rolls)}"
+ return str_output
+ else:
+ str_output = f"Total: {Calc.evaluate(str_input)}"
+ return str_output
+def setup(bot):
+ print("INFO: Loading [RollDice]... ", end="")
+ bot.add_cog(RollDice(bot))
+ print("Done!")
+def teardown(bot):
+ print("INFO: Unloading [RollDice]")