path: root/cogs/
diff options
authorlexicade <>2023-01-27 21:06:30 +0000
committerlexicade <>2023-01-27 21:06:30 +0000
commit52801b4de1d63cd01191acf7fcee137977140ec0 (patch)
tree08271a1f1e3e8060486b6651c67c9934867c648e /cogs/
parent8df873808c86805624851356f5dea76ec621de23 (diff)
Project initHEADmain
Diffstat (limited to 'cogs/')
1 files changed, 189 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cogs/ b/cogs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e019b5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cogs/
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+from discord.ext import commands
+import discord
+from discord import abc
+import string
+import importlib
+import utils
+import re
+class Battleship(commands.Cog):
+ def __init__(self, bot):
+ = bot
+ global extension_name
+ extension_name = "[Flip] "
+ @commands.command(hidden=True)
+ async def grid(self, ctx, x: int, y: int):
+ if (x > 20 or y > 20) or (x < 3 or y < 3):
+ await ctx.send("A grid can range only from 3x3 to 20x20")
+ return
+ play_grid = await self.print_grid(await self.gen_grid(x, y))
+ await ctx.send(play_grid)
+ @staticmethod
+ async def gen_grid(grid_columns, grid_rows):
+ grid = {}
+ grid_row = {}
+ for x in range(grid_rows):
+ grid[x] = {}
+ for y in range(grid_columns):
+ grid_row.update({y: "0"})
+ grid[x] = grid_row
+ return grid
+ @staticmethod
+ async def print_grid(grid):
+ grid_out = ""
+ grid_row = ""
+ for x in grid:
+ header = " "
+ for y in grid[x]:
+ if grid[x][y] == "0":
+ grid_row = f"{grid_row}■ "
+ elif grid[x][y] == "1":
+ grid_row = f"{grid_row}X "
+ elif grid[x][y] == "-1":
+ grid_row = f"{grid_row}- "
+ header = f"{header} {y+1}"
+ grid_out = f"{grid_out}\n{x+1}{' ' if len(str(x+1))==2 else ' '}{grid_row}"
+ grid_row = ""
+ return f"```{header}{grid_out}```"
+ async def place_ship(self):
+ True
+ #command requirements
+ # coordinate, horizontal or veritcal, slip length
+ # Command candidate !bs 3:1 h 2 (Deprecated)
+ # Ships: 3x Twos, 2x Threes, 2x Fours, 1x Five
+ # dict values: P = Placement, 1 = Ship, 0 = Empty, ! = P over an existing 1
+ # P cannot save over a 1, only 0
+ # Emojis needed: up, down, left, right, rotate, tick
+ async def play_turn(self):
+ True
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ async def left(self):
+ guild_id = 619676725818949645
+ channel_id = 671427190080012298
+ message_id = 676425811280003082
+ async def grid_to_dict(self):
+ str_grid = ("``` 1 2 3 4 5 6\n" +
+ "1 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■\n" +
+ "2 ■ ? ■ ■ ■ ■\n" +
+ "3 ■ ? ■ ■ ■ ■\n" +
+ "4 ■ ? ■ ■ ■ ■\n" +
+ "5 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■\n" +
+ "6 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■\n ```")
+ dict_grid = {}
+ for ir, line_row in enumerate(str_grid.splitlines()):
+ line_row ="(([■+\-?])\s?)+", line_row)
+ if line_row is not None:
+ line_row =" ")
+ dict_grid_row = {}
+ for ic, line_column in enumerate(line_row):
+ dict_grid_row.update({ic: line_column})
+ dict_grid[ir - 1] = dict_grid_row
+ print(dict_grid)
+ @commands.command(hidden=True)
+ async def bssend(self, ctx):
+ await"oh no")
+ @commands.command(hidden=True)
+ async def bsemote(self, ctx):
+ msg = await abc.Messageable.fetch_message(, 688065915790688361)
+ await msg.add_reaction("⬆️")
+ await msg.add_reaction("⬇️")
+ await msg.add_reaction("⬅️")
+ await msg.add_reaction("➡️")
+ await msg.add_reaction("\U0001F504") # counter clockwise arrows
+ await msg.add_reaction("\U00002705") # white_check_mark
+ #
+def setup(bot):
+ print("INFO: Loading [Battleship]... ", end="")
+ bot.add_cog(Battleship(bot))
+ print("Done!")
+def teardown(bot):
+ print("INFO: Unloading [Battleship]")
+# gc = 6
+# gr = 4
+# play_grid = gen_grid(gc, gr)
+# print(play_grid)
+# print(print_grid(play_grid))
+# # print(print_grid({0: {0: '1', 1: '-1', 2: '-1', 3: '0', 4: '0', 5: '-1', 6: '0', 7: '0', 8: '0', 9: '0'}, 1: {0: '1', 1: '0', 2: '0', 3: '0', 4: '0', 5: '0', 6: '0', 7: '0', 8: '0', 9: '0'}, 2: {0: '0', 1: '0', 2: '0', 3: '0', 4: '0', 5: '0', 6: '0', 7: '0', 8: '0', 9: '0'}, 3: {0: '0', 1: '0', 2: '0', 3: '0', 4: '0', 5: '0', 6: '0', 7: '0', 8: '0', 9: '0'}, 4: {0: '0', 1: '0', 2: '0', 3: '0', 4: '0', 5: '0', 6: '0', 7: '0', 8: '0', 9: '0'}, 5: {0: '0', 1: '0', 2: '0', 3: '0', 4: '0', 5: '0', 6: '0', 7: '0', 8: '0', 9: '0'}, 6: {0: '0', 1: '0', 2: '0', 3: '0', 4: '0', 5: '0', 6: '0', 7: '0', 8: '0', 9: '0'}, 7: {0: '0', 1: '0', 2: '0', 3: '0', 4: '0', 5: '0', 6: '0', 7: '0', 8: '0', 9: '0'}, 8: {0: '0', 1: '0', 2: '0', 3: '0', 4: '0', 5: '0', 6: '0', 7: '0', 8: '0', 9: '0'}, 9: {0: '0', 1: '0', 2: '0', 3: '0', 4: '0', 5: '0', 6: '0', 7: '0', 8: '0', 9: '0'}}))
+#{0: {0: "B", 1: "H"}, 1: {0: "B", 1: "H"}}
+# import re
+# def print_grid(grid):
+# grid_out = ""
+# grid_row = ""
+# header = " "
+# for x in grid:
+# header = " "
+# for y in grid[x]:
+# grid_row = f"{grid_row}{grid[x][y]} "
+# header = f"{header} {y + 1}"
+# grid_out = f"{grid_out}\n{x + 1}{' ' if len(str(x + 1)) == 2 else ' '}{grid_row}"
+# grid_row = ""
+# return f"```{header}{grid_out}```"
+# def grid_to_dict(str_grid):
+# dict_grid = {}
+# for ir, line_row in enumerate(str_grid.splitlines()):
+# line_row ="(([■+\-?])\s?)+", line_row)
+# if line_row is not None:
+# line_row =" ")
+# dict_grid_row = {}
+# for ic, line_column in enumerate(line_row):
+# dict_grid_row.update({ic: line_column})
+# dict_grid[ir-1] = dict_grid_row
+# return dict_grid
+# grid1 = {0: {0: '■', 1: '■', 2: '■', 3: '■', 4: '■', 5: '■'},
+# 1: {0: '■', 1: '?', 2: '■', 3: '■', 4: '■', 5: '■'},
+# 2: {0: '■', 1: '?', 2: '■', 3: '■', 4: '■', 5: '■'},
+# 3: {0: '■', 1: '?', 2: '■', 3: '■', 4: '■', 5: '■'},
+# 4: {0: '■', 1: '■', 2: '■', 3: '■', 4: '■', 5: '■'},
+# 5: {0: '■', 1: '■', 2: '■', 3: '■', 4: '■', 5: '■'}}
+# grid1 = print_grid(grid1)
+# print(grid1)
+# grid1 = grid_to_dict(grid1)
+# print(grid1) \ No newline at end of file