path: root/sassbot/modules/artifact2-0
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sassbot/modules/artifact2-0')
1 files changed, 139 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sassbot/modules/artifact2-0/ b/sassbot/modules/artifact2-0/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1520d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sassbot/modules/artifact2-0/
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+import MySQLdb
+import random
+def GenerateItem(phenny, parameters, itemCode):
+ db = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost", user=phenny.config.mysql_username, passwd=phenny.config.mysql_password,db=parameters['LiveDB'])
+ c = db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor)
+ intIteration=0
+ itemName=strRaritySpacing='';
+ #Generate Rarity
+ itemGenRarity = CreateItemRarity(phenny, parameters, itemCode[0])
+ #Generate Item
+ itemGenEquipment = CreateItemName(phenny, parameters, itemCode[1])
+ #Generate Enchantment
+ itemGenEnchantment = CreateItemEnchantment(phenny, parameters, itemCode[2])
+ #Generate Element
+ itemGenElement = CreateItemElement(phenny, parameters, itemCode[3])
+ #Attempt creating an Artifact
+ itemGenEquipment = CreateItemArtifact(phenny, parameters, itemGenEquipment, itemCode[4])
+ strRaritySpacing = "" if len(itemGenRarity['RarityName']) == 0 else " "
+ itemGen={}
+ itemGen['EquipmentName'] = "\x03"+itemGenRarity['RarityColor'] + itemGenEquipment['FabledPrefix'] + itemGenRarity['RarityName'] + strRaritySpacing + itemGenElement['EffectName'] + " " + itemGenEquipment['EquipmentName'] + " " + itemGenEnchantment['Name']+"\x0399"
+ #itemGen['EquipmentName']
+ #itemGen['EquipmentSlot']
+ #itemGen['EquipmentType']
+ #itemGen['HandsReq']
+ #itemGen['Strength']
+ #itemGen['Dexterity']
+ #itemGen['Constitution']
+ #itemGen['Intelligence']
+ #itemGen['Dodge']
+ #itemGen['Crit']
+ #itemGen['Armor']
+ #itemGen['Precision']
+ #itemGen['Resistance']
+ #itemGen['Luck']
+ #itemGen['BlockitemGen']
+ return itemGen
+def CreateItemName(phenny, parameters, itemCode):
+ db = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost", user=phenny.config.mysql_username, passwd=phenny.config.mysql_password,db=parameters['LiveDB'])
+ c = db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor)
+ itemGenEquipment = {}
+ #Item by ID
+ if int(itemCode) is not 0:
+ c.execute("SELECT `EquipmentName`, `EquipmentSlot`, `EquipmentType`, `HandsReq`, `Strength`, `Dexterity`, `Constitution`, `Intelligence`, `Dodge`, `Crit`, `Armor`, `Precision`, `Resistance`, `Luck`, `Block` FROM `Items_Master` WHERE `ID` = " + str(itemCode))
+ itemGenEquipment = c.fetchone()
+ return itemGenEquipment
+ #Item by Random
+ elif int(itemCode) is 0:
+ #UPDATE: Should be able to generate an available weapon with just one query
+ # Pick random item that is available to the player
+ c.execute("SELECT `Items_PlayerPool`.`Nick`, `Items_PlayerPool`.`EquipmentName`, `Items_Master`.`Locked` FROM `Items_PlayerPool` INNER JOIN `Items_Master` ON `Items_PlayerPool`.`EquipmentName` = `Items_Master`.`EquipmentName` WHERE `Nick`=%s AND `Locked`=0 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1",parameters['Nick'])
+ sqlItemPlayer = c.fetchone()
+ # Get information from randomly picked weapon
+ c.execute("SELECT `EquipmentName`, `EquipmentSlot`, `EquipmentType`, `HandsReq`, `Strength`, `Dexterity`, `Constitution`, `Intelligence`, `Dodge`, `Crit`, `Armor`, `Precision`, `Resistance`, `Luck`, `Block` FROM `Items_Master` WHERE `EquipmentName`=%s",sqlItemPlayer['EquipmentName'])
+ itemGenEquipment = c.fetchone()
+ itemGenEquipment['Permanent'] = 0
+ return itemGenEquipment
+def CreateItemElement(phenny, parameters, itemCode):
+ db = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost", user=phenny.config.mysql_username, passwd=phenny.config.mysql_password,db=parameters['LiveDB'])
+ c = db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor)
+ itemGenElement = {}
+ if int(itemCode) is not 0:
+ c.execute("SELECT `EffectName`, `Strength`, `Dexterity`, `Constitution`, `Intelligence`, `Dodge`, `Crit`, `Armor` FROM `GenElement` WHERE `ID` = %s",itemCode)
+ itemGenElement = c.fetchone()
+ elif int(itemCode) is 0:
+ c.execute("SELECT `EffectName`, `Strength`, `Dexterity`, `Constitution`, `Intelligence`, `Dodge`, `Crit`, `Armor` FROM `GenElement` ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1")
+ itemGenElement = c.fetchone()
+ return itemGenElement
+def CreateItemRarity(phenny, parameters, itemCode):
+ db = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost", user=phenny.config.mysql_username, passwd=phenny.config.mysql_password,db=parameters['LiveDB'])
+ c = db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor)
+ itemGenRarity = {}
+ if int(itemCode) is not 0:
+ c.execute("SELECT `ID`,`RarityName`,`RarityColor`,`RarityModifier`,`RarityChance`,`RarityCost` FROM `GenRarity` WHERE `ID` = " + str(itemCode))
+ itemGenRarity = c.fetchone()
+ elif int(itemCode) is 0:
+ # Obtain sum of all rarities
+ c.execute("SELECT SUM(`RarityChance`) AS RarityTotal FROM `GenRarity`")
+ intRarityTotal = c.fetchone()['RarityTotal']
+ # Variable declaration
+ intIteration = 0
+ intRandom = random.randint(1, intRarityTotal)
+ while True:
+ intIteration = intIteration + 1
+ # Obtain Rarity in order of lowest to highest with each iteration
+ c.execute("SELECT `ID`,`RarityName`,`RarityColor`,`RarityModifier`,`RarityChance` FROM `GenRarity` WHERE `ID` = " + str(intIteration))
+ itemGenRarity = c.fetchone()
+ # Subtract the current iterations rarity from the random roll
+ # If intRandom becomes negative, our item rarity has been found. End the loop.
+ intRandom = intRandom - itemGenRarity['RarityChance']
+ if intRandom <= 0:
+ break
+ return itemGenRarity
+ db.close()
+def CreateItemEnchantment(phenny, parameters, itemCode):
+ db = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost", user=phenny.config.mysql_username, passwd=phenny.config.mysql_password,db=parameters['LiveDB'])
+ c = db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor)
+ itemGenElement = {}
+ if int(itemCode) is not 0:
+ c.execute("SELECT `Name`,`Strength`,`Dexterity`,`Constitution`,`Intelligence`,`Dodge`, `Crit`, `Armor` FROM `GenEnchantment` WHERE `ID` = %s", str(itemCode))
+ itemGenEnchantment = c.fetchone()
+ elif int(itemCode) is 0:
+ c.execute("SELECT `Name`,`Strength`,`Dexterity`,`Constitution`,`Intelligence`,`Dodge`, `Crit`, `Armor` FROM `GenEnchantment` ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1")
+ itemGenEnchantment = c.fetchone()
+ return itemGenEnchantment
+def CreateItemArtifact(phenny, parameters, itemGenEquipment, itemCode):
+ db = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost", user=phenny.config.mysql_username, passwd=phenny.config.mysql_password,db=parameters['LiveDB'])
+ c = db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor)
+ # Gen for Artifact item:
+ if random.randint(1, 150) == 1 or int(itemCode) == 1:
+ if itemGenEquipment['EquipmentType'] == 'Armor' or itemGenEquipment['EquipmentType'] == 'Weapon':
+ c.execute("SELECT COUNT(`Permanent`) AS `Artifacts` FROM `Items_PlayerInventory` WHERE `Nick`=%s AND `Permanent`=1;",parameters['Nick'])
+ sqlCountArtifacts = c.fetchone()
+ if sqlCountArtifacts['Artifacts'] < 2:
+ itemGenEquipment['FabledPrefix'] = 'Fabled '
+ itemGenEquipment['Permanent'] = 1
+ else:
+ itemGenEquipment['FabledPrefix'] = ''
+ return itemGenEquipment \ No newline at end of file