diff options
authorPhil Burton <>2019-02-22 15:32:18 +0000
committerPhil Burton <>2019-02-22 15:32:18 +0000
commit4e8368f4d847e5c1352302fc53658dfab2c72a9b (patch)
parent5bace29545690e364f9748b8232b93f7933abb88 (diff)
second and third talk
5 files changed, 460 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/day1/first-talk.txt b/day1/first-talk.txt
index ffd2f65..da8689e 100644
--- a/day1/first-talk.txt
+++ b/day1/first-talk.txt
@@ -1,8 +1,101 @@
-micro services - perf
+# micro services - perf
-glu mobile - 1st speakers company (microservices)
+## Overivew
+glu mobile - microservices
+- Use docker
+- HTTP processing
+- Amazon ECS
+- NOSQL Redis + couch base
+- 40M votes a day
+- 1M active users
+- 14K req/m
+## Microservices
+- Small
+- Simole
+- easy to deploy
+- upgradable
+Use Base images
+Name by version and never change (Freeze them)
+## background processing
+- Execute externally
+- Shutdown functions
+- Job server
+- fastcgi_finish_request
+## HTTP Compression
+- gzip on
+- gzip_types
+- gzip_proxied any
+- gzip_comp_level 5
+- gzip_min_length (default 20)
+- Smaller than 1500B means it will always fit in one TCP packet
+If content_length is not set then nginx will compress always
+Laravel/Lume/Others add middleware to add content_length
+## Caching
+- HTTP2 Server push
+- Repeated server calls HTTP1
+- 304s
+ - Last-modified
+ - cache-control
+## No SQL
+- Mongo/Redis
+- Fight network I/O
+- save hdd space
+- compress large messages
+- serialise better
+- message templates
+- add ttl expiry
+- shorten cache keys
+## Fast caching
+- PHP Redis
+- Predis - high memory, slower
+- Persistent connections available
+## Deployment EC8
+- 0 Downtime
+- quick rollout
+- ELB health-check
+- Auto scaling
+## Hardware upgrades
+- Doubling the hardware, halving the # of machines
+## VPC
+- Closer together
+- Same location
+- utilise internal networks
+- other thoughts
+ - Async I/O
+ - swoole
+ - HTTP/2
+ - Tars
+ - binary (80% reduction)
+## Managing images
+- Don't use aptitude (apt)
+- Build from source
+- fpm and Nginx together
+ - Separate not helpful
+ - No need for TCP/IP overhead
+- supervisorD - everywhere
+# Useful terms
couch base
new relic
amazon cloud watch
diff --git a/day1/no-sql.txt b/day1/no-sql.txt
index 5ce9723..ccb6a4a 100644
--- a/day1/no-sql.txt
+++ b/day1/no-sql.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,55 @@
+# Non-Scalar Data
+## Redis sets SSAD
+- key binding - safe string
+- sets of data
+- taggable
+## Document data stores
+- Usually JSON
+- Richer
+- MongoDB - single master
+- CouchDB - multi master
+- ES - text search index
+## MongoDB
+- pecl/mongodb
+- mongodb/mongodb
+docs are PHP objects or assoc arrays
+## Relational Database
+- normalisation
+- postgres
+# Querying data
+- Aggregations
+- buckets
+- postgres - non standard
+## Redis
+- Can add to sets
+- Atomic
+- fast
+- counters
+ Do we do this at d3R?
+ redis bad at scaling
+# Useful links
diff --git a/day2/gitlab.txt b/day2/gitlab.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ce3906
--- /dev/null
+++ b/day2/gitlab.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+# Dev to prod with GitLab CI
+## Overview
+- Stefan
+- bitExpert AG (Germany)
+## Gitlab
+Old wikipedia description:
+ Web based git repo manager with wiki and issue tracking
+## Beyond CI/CD
+ - Dev, Ops, CD/CO
+## Installation
+Lots of ways.
+- Use a registry
+- Sonatype Nexus
+- Nexus installation for repo manager
+- Reverse proxy for routing, and running multiple instances
+### Traefik
+Simple to configure
+Can listen to socket, and other things
+Can do lets encrypt stuff
+## Crating projects
+Magento as an example
+Slightly more difficult to install
+Has some complication
+1. Composer install
+2. Add to git and push
+3. Need a git lab runner (Can host the runners or use SASS offering)
+ (docker container for runner)
+(Gitlab instance and runner installed via docker)
+Access runner overview page and grab registration token
+Create runner instance
+gitlab-runner gitlab-runner register
+ - token
+ - description
+ - tags
+ - run untagged builds?
+ - current project?
+ - executor? (docker, shell,.. etc) (more control if we use docker)
+ - default docker image
+-- This creates the runner config file
+-- Edit and amend, e.g. add volumes of shared composer stuff ***Should we do this at d3r?***
+## Managing Secrets
+add to project, can use in groups
+## Add .gitlab-ci.yaml (similar to travis)
+ -- define Image
+ -- define job scripts
+## http-basic auth via composer
+What is this?
+## Gitlab services
+Multiple images should spin up first, then jobs can run
+Health checks built in, cheks exposed ports
+Spins up second container waiting for ports to be available then spins down
+(Gitlab says you cant 100% trust this to coinfirm all is working)
+### add mysql service
+1. Define image, define variables (passowrd)
+2. define things it needs
+## Build piplines
+- test
+- build
+- build staging
+ - define where in "data center" the staging stuff is
+ - Define git registration
+ - dine staging url
+- Build creates tar file ready for deploy
+- deploy!
+- when manual trigger - Dont auto build and deploy everything to staging and production, Allow us to test te staging
+env first and then manually kick off the deployment for production
+## Problem with this set-up
+- Multi developers means we're not sure of staging set-up
+- Staging per developer?
+- What about a staging per feature branch?
+ - yes
+ - Review Apps
+ - documentation not great
+ - Dynamically create staging environments
+ - make sure on_stop
+ - only run for merge_requests (fairly new, used to have to do "all branches but not master")
+ - define stop_review to pull down containers
+1. Create merge request
+2. Test and build begins
+3. It then gives you the urls for testing
+4. Merge. Then staging is deployed
+5. Then manually hit up production
+## Questions
+Create a stadard web app
+Can Import from github!!!
+Autoi dev ops?
+ - Auto turned on
+ - Not sure how good it is
+ - maybe we just disable
+Can we lock down how things get deployed
+ - ROle based auth is bad
+ - Dont have fine grain control (most of the team need nainainer role)
+# Useful links
diff --git a/day2/rest-apis.txt b/day2/rest-apis.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a087a52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/day2/rest-apis.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+# First class rest APIs with symfony
+## Who
+- @michaelcullumuk
+- Works for bud. (2 weeks ago)
+- core team at syfony
+- fig working group
+- fig security
+- Paper by roy fielding
+- dry and boring
+- Representational State Transfer (REST)
+- Communicating state
+### How to comply to REST
+- Uniform interface
+ - Each api works the same at a ui level
+ - Gives all data to client that client can then use to give back and modify
+ - use mime types
+ - Hyperdata. Link to other data.
+- Stateless
+ - No session
+ - Self contained in one request
+ - Auth in the request
+- Cacheable
+ - If not cacheable, you need to tell clients this
+- Client-Server need to be distinguishable
+ - Independently build client and server
+- Layered system
+ - May not be talking to an end user
+ - May be other applications or proxies or API in between
+ - (like micro services talk adding auth or similar at certain APIs)
+- Code on demand
+ - Be able to run code on the server
+ - Legacy.
+ - bit weird
+ - considered optional
+ - HTTP is your friend
+ - RESTful does not discuss http
+ - (Google crawling with GET, where they hit a GET verm delete end point)
+ - Rate Limiting + use codes (429)
+ - 503 for when there's issues
+- In symfony
+ - Use the constants
+## Errors
+Exception controller
+Does logging
+Return our json response
+getErrors() handles error once in one function, included for all controllers
+- in PHP we tend to use arrays lots
+- Decode some JSON and might put it into array
+- bad as we have no typing
+- We can use typing to move complication and validation of data to PHP level
+- Reduces typos etc
+- In symfony we can auto-hydrate stuff
+ - mapAndPersist
+ - A dataTransferObjectConvertor
+## Validation
+- Exceptions
+ - Exceptional case
+ - Should expect edge cases and failings
+ - Remove control from controllers
+ - isValid in the controller forces us to have logic in the controller
+ - instead try and persist an object, throw new exception
+## Output
+ - Symfony serializer component
+ - Choose output types easily
+ - Transformers to migrate the data from an entity and map to response data
+ - Allows us to focus on API respires not database layer entities
+ - PHPLeaue FRACTAL (for transformers)
+ - Transformers allow us to be explicit!
+ - Using fractal can build our json but bhandke collections, pagination etc
+## Nobody likes pagination
+ - Pain in the arse
+ - Clients need to work out logic for reading
+ - Server side we have extra logic, limits etc
+ How to do it then?
+ - Do it
+ - Link to next and previous (hyper media)
+ - Detail current page
+ - Detail total number of pages
+ - Assuming you know
+ - Disabling totals speeds things up
+ - Perhaps client option
+ - Use paginator tools
+ - Really simple controllers
+## Sorts and filters
+- query string
+ - pagiantion
+ - sorting
+ - includes
+ - filters
+## Tools
+- Api platform
+ - EZ PZ
+ - automatic routing
+ - slugs etc
+USE HTTP WELL - verbs and codes
+ERROR handling, abstracting validation. Handle expections for response codes
+DTOs and param convertor
+Validation bubbles, catch and re-throw
+Fromatting output wiht transformes
+Pagination - annoying but easy, if we p[ass via repos.
+Sorts and filters similar to Pagination
+Tools!!! Use em.]
+# Useful Link
diff --git a/day2/second-crypto.txt b/day2/second-crypto.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18d5324
--- /dev/null
+++ b/day2/second-crypto.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# Crypto
+## Overview:
+Why do we need crypto?
+- Confidentiality
+- Key Ex
+- Identity
+- Authentication
+## Asymetric Cryto
+- Symmetric crypto faster, asymmetric slower and computational expensive
+- RSA
+ - slightly old
+ - Needs 2048+ size keys
+## eliptic curve crypto
+- Dot function
+- Key exchange with shared key created from a -> aG -> aGb <- bG <- b
+- Week to man in the middle
+## Web of trust
+- How can we safely pass the key over an unsecured channel
+- Just blindly trust on first use (like ssh)
+## The trusted third party
+- Get a 3rd actor to meet Alice and Bob to add trust
+## hash functions
+- md5 weak
+- sha good
+# Merkel tree
+- Hash chunks
+- Combine chunks and hash
+- Can work out which parts are wrong
+- good for static data
+- hash tree
+## BLock chain
+- Use block chain to share trusted messages
+Web of trust, trust once, trust forever