# blabouncer configuration file
# Entries must be in the form:
# option name, space, equals sign, space, double quote, option value, double quote
# e.g.
# realname = "Mr Bla Bouncer"
# Shell expansion is not supported, so do not try and specify e.g.
# "~/.blabouncer/" or "$HOME/.blabouncer/", instead use "/home/foo/.blabouncer"
# Some settings can be reloaded at runtime, please refer to README for details.

nick = "blabounce"
nick2 = "bbounce2"
nick3 = "bbounce3"
username = "bounceusr"
realname = "Mr Bla Bouncer"

# Channels to automatically join (comma-separated list, defaults to none)
# Put channel keywords/passwords after channel names following a space.
#channels = "#blabouncer keyword,#test"

# Auto replay mode upon a bouncer client connecting
# "none" = Don't auto replay
# "time" = Always send the last "replayseconds" worth of logs
# "lastspoke" = All messages since your current nick last spoke
# "noclients" = All messages since you last had no clients connected
# "lastchange" = All messages since your last client connection/disconnection
# "perclient" = All messages since the current client last disconnected (see README)
replaymode = "time"

# How many seconds of replay log should be sent to connecting clients if replaymode = "time"
replayseconds = "600"

# Connect password clients must provided to connect
password = "bananas"

# Port the bouncer should listen on
clientport = "1234"

# Enable TLS for clients connecting to the bouncer ("1" for yes or "0" for no)
# If "0" then certfile and keyfile need not be set
clienttls = "1"

# Enable TLS for the bouncer connecting to the IRC server ("1" for yes or "0" for no)
servertls = "1"

# Real IRC server the bouncer connects to
ircserver = "irc.blatech.net"

# Real IRC server port
ircserverport = "6697"

# Real IRC server password
#ircserverpassword = "apples"

# Command to send to the server upon completing registration (e.g. a NickServ password)
#connectcommand "PRIVMSG NickServ IDENTIFY bananas"

# Base directory (defaults to $HOME/.blabouncer/)
# Things such as the logs directory will be placed below this
#basedir = "/home/foo/.blabouncer/"

# Certificate file (defaults to <basedir>/cert.pem)
# If clienttls = "0" then this need not be set
#certfile = "/home/foo/.blabouncer/cert.pem"

# Certificate key file (defaults to <basedir>/key.pem)
# If clienttls = "0" then this need not be set
#keyfile = "/home/foo/.blabouncer/key.pem"

# Enable logging ("1" for yes or "0" for no)
# Logs go to basedir/logs/ with one file per channel/nick
logging = "1"

# Enable replay logging ("1" for yes or "0" for no)
# Replay log goes to basedir/replay.log
replaylogging = "1"

# Debug verbosity ("0" for critical only, "1" for some extra info, "2" for full debug mode)
# (All output goes to <basedir>/debug.txt)
debug = "2"

# Number of debug logs to keep
debugkeep = "5"