blabouncer - An IRC client written in C

== Compiling ==

To compile run "make".

== Running ==

To run from the current directory once compiled run "./blabouncer".

== Configuration ==

An example configuration file is provided named "blabouncer.conf".

If you don't specify one using "-c /path/to/configuration/file" then the example configuration one will be created for you in $HOME/.blabouncer/ when starting.

== Commands ==

Once connected to blabouncer with a client, you can use the following commands:

"BLABOUNCER REPLAY [[[[days:]hours:]minutes:]seconds]" (To replay a given length of time of replay log.)

Blabouncer commands are all prefixed with BLABOUNCER which you can usually send using "/QUOTE BLABOUNCER".

== Client SSL/TLS ==

To use TLS for client connections, which is enabled by default in the example configuration file, you will need to provide both a certificate and a key file.
One way of creating these is to use OpenSSL:

# openssl genrsa 2048 > ~/.blabouncer/key.pem
# openssl req -x509 -days 30 -new -key ~/.blabouncer/key.pem -out ~/.blabouncer/cert.pem

But you can create them however you like, or disable client TLS (not recommended) using the "clienttls" configuration file option.

By default blabouncer looks for the certificate and key files in $HOME/.blabouncer/cert.pem and $HOME/.blabouncer/key.pem, respectively.

== Server SSL/TLS ==

Server TLS is also enabled by default in the example configuration file, and can be disabled (not recommended) using the "servertls" configuration file option.