/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.commons.net; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.InetSocketAddress; import java.net.Socket; import java.net.SocketException; import java.net.UnknownHostException; import javax.net.ServerSocketFactory; import javax.net.SocketFactory; /** * The SocketClient provides the basic operations that are required of * client objects accessing sockets. It is meant to be * subclassed to avoid having to rewrite the same code over and over again * to open a socket, close a socket, set timeouts, etc. Of special note * is the {@link #setSocketFactory setSocketFactory } * method, which allows you to control the type of Socket the SocketClient * creates for initiating network connections. This is especially useful * for adding SSL or proxy support as well as better support for applets. For * example, you could create a * {@link org.apache.commons.net.SocketFactory} that * requests browser security capabilities before creating a socket. * All classes derived from SocketClient should use the * {@link #_socketFactory_ _socketFactory_ } member variable to * create Socket and ServerSocket instances rather than instanting * them by directly invoking a constructor. By honoring this contract * you guarantee that a user will always be able to provide his own * Socket implementations by substituting his own SocketFactory. * @author Daniel F. Savarese * @see SocketFactory */ public abstract class SocketClient { /** * The end of line character sequence used by most IETF protocols. That * is a carriage return followed by a newline: "\r\n" */ public static final String NETASCII_EOL = "\r\n"; /** The default SocketFactory shared by all SocketClient instances. */ private static final SocketFactory __DEFAULT_SOCKET_FACTORY = SocketFactory.getDefault(); private static final ServerSocketFactory __DEFAULT_SERVER_SOCKET_FACTORY = ServerSocketFactory.getDefault(); /** The timeout to use after opening a socket. */ protected int _timeout_; /** The socket used for the connection. */ protected Socket _socket_; /** The default port the client should connect to. */ protected int _defaultPort_; /** The socket's InputStream. */ protected InputStream _input_; /** The socket's OutputStream. */ protected OutputStream _output_; /** The socket's SocketFactory. */ protected SocketFactory _socketFactory_; /** The socket's ServerSocket Factory. */ protected ServerSocketFactory _serverSocketFactory_; /** The socket's connect timeout (0 = infinite timeout) */ private static final int DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 0; protected int connectTimeout = DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT; /** * Default constructor for SocketClient. Initializes * _socket_ to null, _timeout_ to 0, _defaultPort to 0, * _isConnected_ to false, and _socketFactory_ to a shared instance of * {@link org.apache.commons.net.DefaultSocketFactory}. */ public SocketClient() { _socket_ = null; _input_ = null; _output_ = null; _timeout_ = 0; _defaultPort_ = 0; _socketFactory_ = __DEFAULT_SOCKET_FACTORY; _serverSocketFactory_ = __DEFAULT_SERVER_SOCKET_FACTORY; } /** * Because there are so many connect() methods, the _connectAction_() * method is provided as a means of performing some action immediately * after establishing a connection, rather than reimplementing all * of the connect() methods. The last action performed by every * connect() method after opening a socket is to call this method. *

* This method sets the timeout on the just opened socket to the default * timeout set by {@link #setDefaultTimeout setDefaultTimeout() }, * sets _input_ and _output_ to the socket's InputStream and OutputStream * respectively, and sets _isConnected_ to true. *

* Subclasses overriding this method should start by calling * super._connectAction_() first to ensure the * initialization of the aforementioned protected variables. */ protected void _connectAction_() throws IOException { _socket_.setSoTimeout(_timeout_); _input_ = _socket_.getInputStream(); _output_ = _socket_.getOutputStream(); } /** * Opens a Socket connected to a remote host at the specified port and * originating from the current host at a system assigned port. * Before returning, {@link #_connectAction_ _connectAction_() } * is called to perform connection initialization actions. *

* @param host The remote host. * @param port The port to connect to on the remote host. * @exception SocketException If the socket timeout could not be set. * @exception IOException If the socket could not be opened. In most * cases you will only want to catch IOException since SocketException is * derived from it. */ public void connect(InetAddress host, int port) throws SocketException, IOException { _socket_ = _socketFactory_.createSocket(); _socket_.connect(new InetSocketAddress(host, port), connectTimeout); _connectAction_(); } /** * Opens a Socket connected to a remote host at the specified port and * originating from the current host at a system assigned port. * Before returning, {@link #_connectAction_ _connectAction_() } * is called to perform connection initialization actions. *

* @param hostname The name of the remote host. * @param port The port to connect to on the remote host. * @exception SocketException If the socket timeout could not be set. * @exception IOException If the socket could not be opened. In most * cases you will only want to catch IOException since SocketException is * derived from it. * @exception UnknownHostException If the hostname cannot be resolved. */ public void connect(String hostname, int port) throws SocketException, IOException { _socket_= _socketFactory_.createSocket(); _socket_.connect(new InetSocketAddress(hostname, port), connectTimeout); _connectAction_(); } /** * Opens a Socket connected to a remote host at the specified port and * originating from the specified local address and port. * Before returning, {@link #_connectAction_ _connectAction_() } * is called to perform connection initialization actions. *

* @param host The remote host. * @param port The port to connect to on the remote host. * @param localAddr The local address to use. * @param localPort The local port to use. * @exception SocketException If the socket timeout could not be set. * @exception IOException If the socket could not be opened. In most * cases you will only want to catch IOException since SocketException is * derived from it. */ public void connect(InetAddress host, int port, InetAddress localAddr, int localPort) throws SocketException, IOException { _socket_ = _socketFactory_.createSocket(); _socket_.bind(new InetSocketAddress(localAddr, localPort)); _socket_.connect(new InetSocketAddress(host, port), connectTimeout); _connectAction_(); } /** * Opens a Socket connected to a remote host at the specified port and * originating from the specified local address and port. * Before returning, {@link #_connectAction_ _connectAction_() } * is called to perform connection initialization actions. *

* @param hostname The name of the remote host. * @param port The port to connect to on the remote host. * @param localAddr The local address to use. * @param localPort The local port to use. * @exception SocketException If the socket timeout could not be set. * @exception IOException If the socket could not be opened. In most * cases you will only want to catch IOException since SocketException is * derived from it. * @exception UnknownHostException If the hostname cannot be resolved. */ public void connect(String hostname, int port, InetAddress localAddr, int localPort) throws SocketException, IOException { _socket_ = _socketFactory_.createSocket(hostname, port, localAddr, localPort); _connectAction_(); } /** * Opens a Socket connected to a remote host at the current default port * and originating from the current host at a system assigned port. * Before returning, {@link #_connectAction_ _connectAction_() } * is called to perform connection initialization actions. *

* @param host The remote host. * @exception SocketException If the socket timeout could not be set. * @exception IOException If the socket could not be opened. In most * cases you will only want to catch IOException since SocketException is * derived from it. */ public void connect(InetAddress host) throws SocketException, IOException { connect(host, _defaultPort_); } /** * Opens a Socket connected to a remote host at the current default * port and originating from the current host at a system assigned port. * Before returning, {@link #_connectAction_ _connectAction_() } * is called to perform connection initialization actions. *

* @param hostname The name of the remote host. * @exception SocketException If the socket timeout could not be set. * @exception IOException If the socket could not be opened. In most * cases you will only want to catch IOException since SocketException is * derived from it. * @exception UnknownHostException If the hostname cannot be resolved. */ public void connect(String hostname) throws SocketException, IOException { connect(hostname, _defaultPort_); } /** * Disconnects the socket connection. * You should call this method after you've finished using the class * instance and also before you call * {@link #connect connect() } * again. _isConnected_ is set to false, _socket_ is set to null, * _input_ is set to null, and _output_ is set to null. *

* @exception IOException If there is an error closing the socket. */ public void disconnect() throws IOException { if (_socket_ != null) _socket_.close(); if (_input_ != null) _input_.close(); if (_output_ != null) _output_.close(); if (_socket_ != null) _socket_ = null; _input_ = null; _output_ = null; } /** * Returns true if the client is currently connected to a server. *

* @return True if the client is currently connected to a server, * false otherwise. */ public boolean isConnected() { if (_socket_ == null) return false; return _socket_.isConnected(); } /** * Sets the default port the SocketClient should connect to when a port * is not specified. The {@link #_defaultPort_ _defaultPort_ } * variable stores this value. If never set, the default port is equal * to zero. *

* @param port The default port to set. */ public void setDefaultPort(int port) { _defaultPort_ = port; } /** * Returns the current value of the default port (stored in * {@link #_defaultPort_ _defaultPort_ }). *

* @return The current value of the default port. */ public int getDefaultPort() { return _defaultPort_; } /** * Set the default timeout in milliseconds to use when opening a socket. * This value is only used previous to a call to * {@link #connect connect()} * and should not be confused with {@link #setSoTimeout setSoTimeout()} * which operates on an the currently opened socket. _timeout_ contains * the new timeout value. *

* @param timeout The timeout in milliseconds to use for the socket * connection. */ public void setDefaultTimeout(int timeout) { _timeout_ = timeout; } /** * Returns the default timeout in milliseconds that is used when * opening a socket. *

* @return The default timeout in milliseconds that is used when * opening a socket. */ public int getDefaultTimeout() { return _timeout_; } /** * Set the timeout in milliseconds of a currently open connection. * Only call this method after a connection has been opened * by {@link #connect connect()}. *

* @param timeout The timeout in milliseconds to use for the currently * open socket connection. * @exception SocketException If the operation fails. */ public void setSoTimeout(int timeout) throws SocketException { _socket_.setSoTimeout(timeout); } /** * Set the underlying socket send buffer size. *

* @param size The size of the buffer in bytes. * @throws SocketException * @since 2.0 */ public void setSendBufferSize(int size) throws SocketException { _socket_.setSendBufferSize(size); } /** * Sets the underlying socket receive buffer size. *

* @param size The size of the buffer in bytes. * @throws SocketException * @since 2.0 */ public void setReceiveBufferSize(int size) throws SocketException { _socket_.setReceiveBufferSize(size); } /** * Returns the timeout in milliseconds of the currently opened socket. *

* @return The timeout in milliseconds of the currently opened socket. * @exception SocketException If the operation fails. */ public int getSoTimeout() throws SocketException { return _socket_.getSoTimeout(); } /** * Enables or disables the Nagle's algorithm (TCP_NODELAY) on the * currently opened socket. *

* @param on True if Nagle's algorithm is to be enabled, false if not. * @exception SocketException If the operation fails. */ public void setTcpNoDelay(boolean on) throws SocketException { _socket_.setTcpNoDelay(on); } /** * Returns true if Nagle's algorithm is enabled on the currently opened * socket. *

* @return True if Nagle's algorithm is enabled on the currently opened * socket, false otherwise. * @exception SocketException If the operation fails. */ public boolean getTcpNoDelay() throws SocketException { return _socket_.getTcpNoDelay(); } /** * Sets the SO_LINGER timeout on the currently opened socket. *

* @param on True if linger is to be enabled, false if not. * @param val The linger timeout (in hundredths of a second?) * @exception SocketException If the operation fails. */ public void setSoLinger(boolean on, int val) throws SocketException { _socket_.setSoLinger(on, val); } /** * Returns the current SO_LINGER timeout of the currently opened socket. *

* @return The current SO_LINGER timeout. If SO_LINGER is disabled returns * -1. * @exception SocketException If the operation fails. */ public int getSoLinger() throws SocketException { return _socket_.getSoLinger(); } /** * Returns the port number of the open socket on the local host used * for the connection. *

* @return The port number of the open socket on the local host used * for the connection. */ public int getLocalPort() { return _socket_.getLocalPort(); } /** * Returns the local address to which the client's socket is bound. *

* @return The local address to which the client's socket is bound. */ public InetAddress getLocalAddress() { return _socket_.getLocalAddress(); } /** * Returns the port number of the remote host to which the client is * connected. *

* @return The port number of the remote host to which the client is * connected. */ public int getRemotePort() { return _socket_.getPort(); } /** * @return The remote address to which the client is connected. */ public InetAddress getRemoteAddress() { return _socket_.getInetAddress(); } /** * Verifies that the remote end of the given socket is connected to the * the same host that the SocketClient is currently connected to. This * is useful for doing a quick security check when a client needs to * accept a connection from a server, such as an FTP data connection or * a BSD R command standard error stream. *

* @return True if the remote hosts are the same, false if not. */ public boolean verifyRemote(Socket socket) { InetAddress host1, host2; host1 = socket.getInetAddress(); host2 = getRemoteAddress(); return host1.equals(host2); } /** * Sets the SocketFactory used by the SocketClient to open socket * connections. If the factory value is null, then a default * factory is used (only do this to reset the factory after having * previously altered it). *

* @param factory The new SocketFactory the SocketClient should use. */ public void setSocketFactory(SocketFactory factory) { if (factory == null) _socketFactory_ = __DEFAULT_SOCKET_FACTORY; else _socketFactory_ = factory; } /** * Sets the ServerSocketFactory used by the SocketClient to open ServerSocket * connections. If the factory value is null, then a default * factory is used (only do this to reset the factory after having * previously altered it). *

* @param factory The new ServerSocketFactory the SocketClient should use. * @since 2.0 */ public void setServerSocketFactory(ServerSocketFactory factory) { if (factory == null) _serverSocketFactory_ = __DEFAULT_SERVER_SOCKET_FACTORY; else _serverSocketFactory_ = factory; } /** * Sets the connection timeout in milliseconds, which will be passed to the {@link Socket} object's * connect() method. * @param connectTimeout The connection timeout to use (in ms) * @since 2.0 */ public void setConnectTimeout(int connectTimeout) { this.connectTimeout = connectTimeout; } /** * Get the underlying socket connection timeout. * @return * @since 2.0 */ public int getConnectTimeout() { return connectTimeout; } }