bind()s to address LST-ADDR on port LST-PORT and retransmits UDP packets received to addresses(s) DST-ADDR(s) on port DST-PORT, with modified headers to reflect the new target. To receive broadcast traffic, use a LST-ADDR of If a program is already listening on LST-PORT on LST-ADDR, you may listen on a broadcast address such as Steam broadcasts to a number of different ports, so it is sufficient to listen on a different port to your game server. e.g. a LST-PORT of 27016 and a DST-PORT of 27015 will let you listen on a different port to a game server, but for it to still directly receive packets that were broadcast. Revision history: 1st October 2014 - udprelay-1.1.1 -- Fix silly paste location error in previous patch, my mistake - udprelay-1.1 -- Add the ability to send to a broadcast address 29th September 2010 - udprelay-1.0 -- Initial release