#include "Level.h" #include #include "Monster.h" #include "Pickup.h" #include "Hazard.h" #include "Platform.h" Level::Level() { std::cout << "Level::Level(): Level created.\n"; } void Level::changeLevel(int levelNo) { std::cout << "Level::changeLevel(): Loading level " << levelNo << ".\n"; // Creating some objects for fun/demonstration purposes Monster monster1; Pickup pickup1; Hazard hazard1; Platform platform1; // Placing the player for fun/demonstration purposes player.setX(0); player.setY(0); // Checking where the player is for fun/demonstration purposes std::cout << "Level::changeLevel(): player is at " << player.getX() << ", " << player.getY() << ".\n"; } void Level::move() { //std::cout << "Level::move(): Moving level items.\n"; } void Level::draw(SDL_Surface *screen) { //std::cout << "Level::draw(): Drawing into the screen.\n"; }