from discord.ext import commands import discord import importlib import utils importlib.reload(utils) class Voice(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, bot): = bot async def voice(self, ctx, *arg): """Allow Synthy to create/delete channels as needed to keep things tidy""" @commands.has_permissions(administrator=True) @voice.command(aliases=[], application_command_meta=commands.ApplicationCommandMeta(options=[])) @commands.defer(ephemeral=True) async def setup(self, ctx): """Create the initial voice channel""" channel: discord.VoiceChannel = await ctx.guild.create_voice_channel(name="VC Foyer") await utils.sql('INSERT INTO "database1".synthy.voice (guild_id, channel_id) VALUES (%s, %s) ON CONFLICT (guild_id) DO UPDATE SET channel_id = %s;', (,,,)) await ctx.send(content=f"I have created {channel.mention} for you.") @voice.command(aliases=[], application_command_meta=commands.ApplicationCommandMeta(options=[])) async def name(self, ctx, new_name): if not emb = await utils.embed(ctx, f"Voice", "You're not connected to a voice channel") await ctx.send(embed=emb) return elif not str("🔊"): emb = await utils.embed(ctx, f"Voice", "The voice channel you're in isn't one I should touch.") await ctx.send(embed=emb) return try: await"🔊{new_name}") emb = await utils.embed(ctx, f"Voice", f"The name of your voice channel is now is now 🔊{new_name}.") except discord.Forbidden as e: emb = await utils.embed(ctx, f"Voice", "I don't have permission to edit that channel.") except discord.HTTPException as e: emb = await utils.embed(ctx, f"Voice", "I wasn't able to edit that channel, try this again. If you keep seeing this please let my [code slave]( know.") except discord.InvalidArgument as e: emb = await utils.embed(ctx, f"Voice", "What you entered wasn't able to be used for this setting.") await ctx.send(embed=emb) @voice.command(aliases=[], application_command_meta=commands.ApplicationCommandMeta(options=[])) async def limit(self, ctx, total_users): if not emb = await utils.embed(ctx, f"Voice", "You're not connected to a voice channel") await ctx.send(embed=emb) return elif not str("🔊"): emb = await utils.embed(ctx, f"Voice", "The voice channel you're in isn't one I should touch.") await ctx.send(embed=emb) return try: arg = int(total_users) if arg < 0 or arg > 99: raise ValueError await emb = await utils.embed(ctx, f"Voice", f"The maximum users for {} is now {arg}.") except ValueError as e: emb = await utils.embed(ctx, f"Voice", "I can only work with 0 to 99 for this command.") except discord.Forbidden as e: emb = await utils.embed(ctx, f"Voice", "I don't have permission to edit that channel.") except discord.HTTPException as e: emb = await utils.embed(ctx, f"Voice", "I wasn't able to edit that channel, try this again. If you keep seeing this please let my [code slave]( know.") except discord.InvalidArgument as e: emb = await utils.embed(ctx, f"Voice", "What you entered wasn't able to be used for this setting.") await ctx.send(embed=emb) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_voice_state_update(self, member: discord.Member, before, after): # Ah shit i'm not ready! if not return # Figure out if I should care about this event if == return # Figure out if this guy will cause a scene in the club if is not None and == "vc foyer": # Let the guy in, but make sure he ain't got a gun chnl = await"🔊{}'s Chat", reason="User joined the lobby channel.") await member.edit(voice_channel=chnl) # Check is the club is empty. elif is not None and "🔊" in # Last One Out, Get the Lights. #FinishTheFight if len( == 0: await"Last user left the channel.") def setup(bot): print("INFO: Loading [Voice]... ", end="") bot.add_cog(Voice(bot)) print("Done!") def teardown(bot): print("INFO: Unloading [Voice]")