import re from discord.ext import commands import discord import importlib import utils importlib.reload(utils) colours = {"default": 0, "teal": 0x1abc9c, "dark teal": 0x11806a, "green": 0x2ecc71, "dark green": 0x1f8b4c, "blue": 0x3498db, "dark blue": 0x206694, "purple": 0x9b59b6, "dark purple": 0x71368a, "magenta": 0xe91e63, "dark magenta": 0xad1457, "gold": 0xf1c40f, "dark gold": 0xc27c0e, "orange": 0xe67e22, "dark orange": 0xa84300, "red": 0xe74c3c, "dark red": 0x992d22, "lighter grey": 0x95a5a6, "dark grey": 0x607d8b, "light grey": 0x979c9f, "darker grey": 0x546e7a, "blurple": 0x7289da, "greyple": 0x99aab5} class Starboard(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, bot): = bot @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_raw_reaction_add(self, payload): if payload.user_id == return if == "⭐": sql_star = await utils.sql('SELECT min_stars, sb_channel FROM starboard WHERE guild_id = %s', (payload.guild_id,)) if sql_star is None: return obj_channel: discord.TextChannel = obj_message: discord.Message = await obj_channel.fetch_message(payload.message_id) obj_chnl_sb =[0]['sb_channel'])) for reaction in obj_message.reactions: if reaction.emoji == "⭐" and reaction.count >= int(sql_star[0]['min_stars']): # Check if message exists in Starboard async for sb_msg in obj_chnl_sb.history(limit=100, before=None, after=None): for embed in sb_msg.embeds: if embed.description == discord.embeds.EmptyEmbed: continue matches = re.findall(r'[[A-Za-z]+!]\(https?://[\w./]+\)', embed.description) for match in matches: match_message_id = match.rsplit("/", 1)[1].replace(")", "") if str(match_message_id) == str(payload.message_id): return # Create the embed url = f"{payload.guild_id}/{payload.channel_id}/{payload.message_id}" msg = f"**Quoted from: {obj_channel.mention}**\n\n" \ f"**{} wrote:**\n" \ f"{obj_message.content}\n" \ f"[Jump to message!]({url})" if obj_message.reference: msg_reply: discord.Message = await obj_channel.fetch_message(obj_message.reference.message_id) msg = msg + f"\n\n**Replied to {}**\n" \ f"{msg_reply.content}\n" \ f"[Jump to reply!]({obj_message.reference.jump_url})" sb_emb = discord.Embed(description=msg, color=colours["gold"]) sb_emb.set_author(, # Get attachment and add as embed image if len(obj_message.attachments) > 0: im = obj_message.attachments[0] sb_emb.set_image(url=im.url) # Paste to channel await obj_chnl_sb.send(embed=sb_emb) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_raw_reaction_remove(self, payload): if payload.user_id == return if == "⭐": sql_star = await utils.sql('SELECT min_stars, sb_channel FROM starboard WHERE guild_id = %s', (payload.guild_id,)) obj_channel = obj_message = await obj_channel.fetch_message(payload.message_id) obj_chnl_sb =[0]['sb_channel'])) async for sb_msg in obj_chnl_sb.history(limit=100, before=None, after=None): for i in sb_msg.embeds: if str(i.footer.text) == str(payload.message_id): # If message has star reactions: if "'⭐'" in str(obj_message.reactions): for reaction in obj_message.reactions: if reaction.emoji == "⭐" and reaction.count < int(sql_star[0]['min_stars']): await sb_msg.delete() invoke_without_command=True, aliases=[], application_command_meta=commands.ApplicationCommandMeta( options=[ discord.ApplicationCommandOption( name="channel", description="Set the Staboard channel", type=discord.ApplicationCommandOptionType.string, required=True, ), discord.ApplicationCommandOption( name="stars", description="Set the minimum stars to post to the Starboard channel", type=discord.ApplicationCommandOptionType.integer, required=True, ), ] ) ) async def starboard(self, ctx): """Let your community star it's best comments.""" @commands.defer(ephemeral=True) @starboard.command(aliases=[], application_command_meta=commands.ApplicationCommandMeta(options=[])) @commands.has_permissions(administrator=True) async def channel(self, ctx): await utils.sql('INSERT INTO starboard (guild_id, sb_channel) VALUES (%s, %s) ON CONFLICT (guild_id) DO UPDATE SET sb_channel = %s', (,,,)) await ctx.send(f"The Starboard channel has been set to #{}.") @commands.defer(ephemeral=True) @starboard.command( aliases=[], application_command_meta=commands.ApplicationCommandMeta( options=[ discord.ApplicationCommandOption( name="stars", description="Set the minimum stars to post to the Starboard channel", type=discord.ApplicationCommandOptionType.integer, required=True, ) ], ) ) @commands.has_permissions(administrator=True) async def stars(self, ctx, stars: int): try: arg_int = int(stars) except Exception as e: await ctx.send(f"Please provide a valid number.") print(f"Starboard - stars - Error: {e}") return if arg_int <= 0: await ctx.send(f"The minimum stars must be at least 1`.") return await utils.sql('INSERT INTO starboard (guild_id, min_stars) VALUES (%s, %s) ON CONFLICT (guild_id) DO UPDATE SET min_stars = %s', (, arg_int, arg_int,)) await ctx.send(f"The minimum stars required has been set to {arg_int}.") def setup(bot): print("INFO: Loading [Starboard]... ", end="") bot.add_cog(Starboard(bot)) print("Done!") def teardown(bot): print("INFO: Unloading [Starboard]")