from discord.ext import commands import discord import pickle import os import MySQLdb import configparser from discord.ext.commands.cooldowns import BucketType import time import datetime colours = { "default": 0, "teal": 0x1abc9c, "dark teal": 0x11806a, "green": 0x2ecc71, "dark green": 0x1f8b4c, "blue": 0x3498db, "dark blue": 0x206694, "purple": 0x9b59b6, "dark purple": 0x71368a, "magenta": 0xe91e63, "dark magenta": 0xad1457, "gold": 0xf1c40f, "dark gold": 0xc27c0e, "orange": 0xe67e22, "dark orange": 0xa84300, "red": 0xe74c3c, "dark red": 0x992d22, "lighter grey": 0x95a5a6, "dark grey": 0x607d8b, "light grey": 0x979c9f, "darker grey": 0x546e7a, "blurple": 0x7289da, "greyple": 0x99aab5} class Macro(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, bot): = bot global cooldown_dict cooldown_dict = {} def blacklist_check(ctx): # Read config config = configparser.ConfigParser()'config.ini') # Create database link db = MySQLdb.connect(host=config["mysqldb"]["host"], user=config["mysqldb"]["user"], passwd=config["mysqldb"]["passwd"], db=config["mysqldb"]["db"]) c = db.cursor() c.execute("SELECT `user_id` from `blacklist` WHERE `user_id` = %s" % str( result = c.fetchone() if result is None: return True else: return @staticmethod async def cooldown_check(ctx): global cooldown_dict # if cooldown_dict is None: d = unixtime = time.mktime(d.timetuple()) cooldown_dict[] = unixtime #await return True # if result is None: # return True # else: # return def bot_admin_check(ctx): # Read config config = configparser.ConfigParser()'config.ini') results = list(map(int, config["conf"]["bot_admins"].split(","))) return in list(results) @commands.check(blacklist_check) async def macro(self, ctx): """WIP.""" prefix = await prefix.remove(f"<@{}> ") prefix.remove(f"<@!{}> ") prefix = prefix[0] message_embed = discord.Embed(title=f"Commands for `{prefix}macro`", description="WIP", colour=colours["blue"]) message_embed.add_field(name=f"{prefix}macro add [trigger word] [content]", value="Adds a new macro for you to use.", inline=False) message_embed.add_field(name=f"{prefix}macro list", value="Get a list of your current macros", inline=False) message_embed.add_field(name=f"{prefix}macro remove [trigger word]", value="Removes a macro from current macros.", inline=False) await ctx.send(embed=message_embed) True @commands.check(blacklist_check) @macro.command() async def add(self, ctx, *arg): arg = list(arg) trigger_word = arg.pop(0) trigger_phrase = " ".join(arg) try: user_macros = await self.load_obj( except EOFError: user_macros = {} if user_macros is None: user_macros = {trigger_word, trigger_phrase} else: user_macros = dict(user_macros) user_macros[trigger_word] = trigger_phrase await self.save_obj(user_macros, await ctx.send(content=f"({trigger_word})({trigger_phrase})") @commands.check(blacklist_check) @macro.command() async def remove(self, ctx, arg): arg = str(arg) try: user_macros = await self.load_obj( except EOFError: user_macros = {} reslt = user_macros.pop(arg, "0") if reslt is None: await ctx.send(content=f"No macro with the name {arg} exists.") else: await self.save_obj(user_macros, await ctx.send(content=f"Removed {reslt}") # if arg in user_macros: # user_macros.remove(arg) # await ctx.send(content=str(user_macros)) # else: # await ctx.send(content="No: " + str(user_macros)) @commands.check(blacklist_check) @macro.command() async def list(self, ctx): user_dict = await self.load_obj( msg = "" offset = 1 for item in user_dict: msg = f"{msg}\n{item}) {user_dict[item]}" embed_msg = discord.Embed(title="List of Macros", description=msg, colour=colours["blue"]) await ctx.send(embed=embed_msg) # @commands.cooldown(1, 60.0, BucketType.user) @commands.check(blacklist_check) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_message(self, ctx): if await self.cooldown_check(ctx): try: user_macros = await self.load_obj( except EOFError: user_macros = {} for macro in user_macros: if macro == ctx.content: await[macro]) @commands.check(bot_admin_check) @macro.command() async def blacklist(self, ctx, user: discord.Member): # Read config config = configparser.ConfigParser()'config.ini') # Create database link db = MySQLdb.connect(host=config["mysqldb"]["host"], user=config["mysqldb"]["user"], passwd=config["mysqldb"]["passwd"], db=config["mysqldb"]["db"]) c = db.cursor() c.execute("INSERT INTO `blacklist` (`user_id`, `reason`) VALUES (%s,'%s');" % (, "")) db.commit() message_embed = discord.Embed(title=f"Blacklisted {user}", description="", colour=colours["blue"]) await ctx.send(embed=message_embed) @staticmethod async def save_obj(obj, filename: str): with open(f"./macros/{filename}.pkl", 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(obj, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) @staticmethod async def load_obj(owner_id): if not os.path.isfile(f"./macros/{owner_id}.pkl"): os.mknod(f"./macros/{owner_id}.pkl") with open(f"./macros/{owner_id}.pkl", "rb") as f: return pickle.load(f) def setup(bot): print("INFO: Loading [Macro]... ", end="") bot.add_cog(Macro(bot)) print("Done!") def teardown(bot): print("INFO: Unloading [Macro]")