from discord.ext import commands import discord import importlib import utils importlib.reload(utils) class Automod(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, bot): = bot async def automod(self, ctx, *arg): """Configure some server moderation for the server.""" prefix = await utils.prefix(, ctx.message) emb = await utils.embed(ctx, f"Commands for `{prefix}automod`", "Automod helps keep unwanted words out of the chat.") emb = await utils.field(emb, f"{prefix}automod add `[words / phrase]`", f"Adds the given word or phrase to the word filter. These words will be deleted.") emb = await utils.field(emb, f"{prefix}automod list", f"Shows the words Automod will remove from the chat.") emb = await utils.field(emb, f"{prefix}automod remove `[words / phrase]`", f"Removes the given word or phrase from the filter.") await ctx.send(embed=emb) @automod.command() @commands.bot_has_permissions(manage_messages=True) @commands.has_permissions(manage_messages=True) async def add(self, ctx, *, words): await utils.sql_set("INSERT INTO `automod_words` (guild_id, word) VALUES (%s, '%s')", (, words)) await ctx.send(content=f"Added {words} into the word filter.") @automod.command() async def list(self, ctx): dict_words = await utils.sql_get("SELECT `word` from `automod_words` WHERE `guild_id` = %s", ( lst_words = [x['word'] for x in dict_words] emb = await utils.embed(ctx, "Blacklisted words:", "\n".join(lst_words)) await ctx.send(embed=emb) @automod.command() @commands.bot_has_permissions(manage_messages=True) @commands.has_permissions(manage_messages=True) async def remove(self, ctx, *, words): dict_words = await utils.sql_get("SELECT `word` from `automod_words` WHERE `guild_id` = %s", ( lst_words = [x['word'] for x in dict_words] for word in lst_words: if word == words: await utils.sql_set("DELETE FROM `automod_words` WHERE `guild_id`=%s AND `word`='%s'", (, words)) emb = await utils.embed(ctx, "Automod - Remove complete:", f"Removed `{word}` from the filter.") await ctx.send(embed=emb) break @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_message(self, message): if == return bl_words = await utils.sql_get("SELECT `word` FROM `automod_words` WHERE `guild_id` = %s", (,)) lst_words = [] for word in bl_words: lst_words.append(word["word"]) lst_words = [x.lower() for x in lst_words] msg_words = [x.lower() for x in message.content.lower().split(' ')] matches = [] for db_word in lst_words: if db_word.count(" ") == 0: for msg_word in msg_words: if db_word.lower() == msg_word.lower(): if str(db_word).casefold() == str(msg_word).casefold(): print("single word match") matches.append(db_word) elif db_word.count(" ") > 0: if db_word.lower() in message.content.lower(): print("phrase match") matches.append(db_word) if not matches == []: await message.delete() emb = await utils.embed(message, "Message Removed", f"[AUTOMOD] Removed a message from {} as it contained a blacklisted word: `{', '.join(matches)}`", colour="orange") emb = await utils.footer(emb, f"{}\n" + f"{message.content}", await utils.log(,, emb=emb) # result = set(lst_words).intersection(msg_words) # # # await # print(f"{len(result)}: {result}") # if len(result) > 0: # await message.delete() # emb = await utils.embed(message, "Message Removed", f"[AUTOMOD] Removed a message from {} as it contained a blacklisted word: `{', '.join(result)}`") # emb = await utils.footer(emb, f"{}\n" + # f"{message.content}", # # await utils.log(message,, emb=emb) def setup(bot): print("INFO: Loading [Automod]... ", end="") bot.add_cog(Automod(bot)) print("Done!") def teardown(bot): print("INFO: Unloading [Automod]")