path: root/cogs/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cogs/')
1 files changed, 96 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cogs/ b/cogs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d92121
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cogs/
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+from discord.ext import commands
+import discord
+import re
+import operator
+colours = {"default": 0,
+ "teal": 0x1abc9c,
+ "dark teal": 0x11806a,
+ "green": 0x2ecc71,
+ "dark green": 0x1f8b4c,
+ "blue": 0x3498db,
+ "dark blue": 0x206694,
+ "purple": 0x9b59b6,
+ "dark purple": 0x71368a,
+ "magenta": 0xe91e63,
+ "dark magenta": 0xad1457,
+ "gold": 0xf1c40f,
+ "dark gold": 0xc27c0e,
+ "orange": 0xe67e22,
+ "dark orange": 0xa84300,
+ "red": 0xe74c3c,
+ "dark red": 0x992d22,
+ "lighter grey": 0x95a5a6,
+ "dark grey": 0x607d8b,
+ "light grey": 0x979c9f,
+ "darker grey": 0x546e7a,
+ "blurple": 0x7289da,
+ "greyple": 0x99aab5}
+class OutstandingNeighbor(commands.Cog):
+ def __init__(self, bot):
+ = bot
+ global extension_name
+ extension_name = "[Outstanding Neighbor] "
+ @commands.command(pass_context=True, hidden=True)
+ async def on(self, ctx, *arg):
+ """Release your anger and flip everything."""
+ # Purge comment code
+ str_cnl =
+ lst_users = {}
+ int_vote_count = 0
+ async for message_scan in str_cnl.history(limit=100, before=None, after=None):
+ if not message_scan.pinned:
+ str_msg = await str_cnl.fetch_message(
+ msg_string ='@!?[0-9]{15,20}', str_msg.content)
+ if msg_string is None:
+ continue
+ msg_string = str('[0-9]{15,20}', str(msg_string)).group())
+ obj_user =
+ if len(arg) > 0 and arg[0] ==
+ continue
+ try:
+ lst_users[] = int(lst_users[]) + 1
+ except Exception as e:
+ lst_users[] = 1
+ int_vote_count = int_vote_count + 1
+ lst_users_sorted = sorted(lst_users.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
+ str_msg = "```"
+ # intTotal = len(lst_users_sorted)
+ for item in lst_users_sorted:
+ str_count = str(item[1])
+ str_name = str(item[0])
+ int_percent = round((item[1] * 100) / int_vote_count, 2)
+ str_percent = str(int_percent) + "%"
+ while len(str_percent) < 6:
+ str_percent = str_percent + " "
+ str_msg = str_msg + str_count + " | " + str_percent + " | " + str_name + "\r\n"
+ str_msg = str_msg + "Total: " + str(int_vote_count) + "\r\n"
+ str_msg = str_msg+"```"
+ await ctx.send(str_msg)
+ @commands.command()
+ async def site(self, ctx):
+ await ctx.send(content="")
+def setup(bot):
+ print("INFO: Loading [OutstandingNeighbor]... ", end="")
+ bot.add_cog(OutstandingNeighbor(bot))
+ print("Done!")
+def teardown(bot):
+ print("INFO: Unloading [OutstandingNeighbor]")