path: root/cogs/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cogs/')
1 files changed, 408 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cogs/ b/cogs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..858b0b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cogs/
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+from discord.ext import commands
+import discord
+import aiojobs
+import socket
+import asyncio
+import threading
+class IRCBridge(commands.Cog, threading.Thread):
+ def __init__(self, bot):
+ = bot
+ global extension_name
+ extension_name = "[IRC Bridge] "
+ threading.Thread.__init__(self)
+ async def irc_run(self, ctx, con, sch_irc):
+ data = con.recv(2048).decode('UTF-8')
+ con.send(bytes("JOIN #discord\n", "UTF-8"))
+ if data.startswith("PING :"):
+ con.send(bytes('PONG %s\r\n' % data[6:], 'UTF-8'))
+ print("cycle", data)
+ await sch_irc.spawn(irc_run(ctx, con, sch_irc))
+ await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
+ @commands.command()
+ async def irc(self, ctx):
+ con = socket.socket()
+ con.connect(("", 6667))
+ con.send(bytes(f"USER discord1 discord2 discord3 'Hello!'\n", "UTF-8"))
+ con.send(bytes('NICK %s\r\n' % "discord", 'UTF-8'))
+ con.send(bytes('PASS %s\r\n' % "ircdiscord", 'UTF-8'))
+ con.send(bytes('MSG NickServ IDENTIFY discordirc\r\n', 'UTF-8'))
+ data = con.recv(2048).decode('UTF-8')
+ if data.startswith("PING :"):
+ con.send(bytes('PONG %s\r\n' % data[6:], 'UTF-8'))
+ while 1:
+ data = con.recv(2048).decode('UTF-8')
+ con.send(bytes("JOIN #discord\n", "UTF-8"))
+ if data.startswith("PING :"):
+ con.send(bytes('PONG %s\r\n' % data[6:], 'UTF-8'))
+ print("cycle", data)
+ # await sch_irc.spawn(irc_run(ctx, con, sch_irc))
+ await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
+ # sch_irc = await aiojobs.create_scheduler()
+ # await sch_irc.spawn(irc_run(self, ctx, con, sch_irc))
+def setup(bot):
+ bot.add_cog(IRCBridge(bot))
+from discord.ext import commands
+import discord
+import aiojobs
+import socket
+import asyncio
+import threading
+import _thread
+import re
+import json
+import itertools
+import requests
+import discord
+from discord import Webhook, RequestsWebhookAdapter
+from datetime import datetime
+class IRCClient:
+ def __init__(self, chan_pairs, config, discord_client):
+ self.connected = False
+ self.chan_pairs = chan_pairs
+ self.config = config
+ self.discord_client = discord_client
+ def irc_connect(self, server, port, nickname):
+ print("Connecting to {}:{}".format(server, port))
+ ircsocket = socket.socket()
+ ircsocket.connect((server, port))
+ ircsocket.send(f"NICK {nickname}\r\n".encode())
+ ircsocket.send(f"USER {nickname} * * {nickname}\r\n".encode())
+ self.connected = True
+ print("Connected.")
+ self.send_to_webhook("[IRC Bridge]", "Connected!")
+ return ircsocket, server, nickname
+ def join_channels(self):
+ for channel in [pair[0] for pair in self.chan_pairs]:
+ print(f"Joining {channel}")
+ self.ircsocket.send(f"JOIN {channel}\r\n".encode())
+ return
+ def msg_process(self, rawmsg): # figure out what we want to do with our irc message
+ prefix, command, args, msg = self.split_msg(rawmsg)
+ # msg format is "nick PRIVMSG #channel :message"
+ if command in ["376", "422"]:
+ print("END OF MOTD")
+ self.join_channels()
+ elif command == "PING":
+ self.ircsocket.send("PONG {}\r\n".format(msg).encode())
+ elif command == "PRIVMSG":
+ author = prefix.split("!")[0]
+ # send message to run comm coroutine
+ for pair in self.chan_pairs:
+ if args[0] == pair[0]:
+ if msg.startswith("=status") and len(msg.split()) > 1:
+ name = msg.split(" ", 1)[1].lower()
+ status_msg = ""
+ for member in self.discord_client.get_channel(pair[1]).guild.members:
+ if == name or (member.nick and member.nick.lower() == name):
+ status_msg += f"{} is currently {member.status}"
+ self.send_message(args[0], status_msg)
+ continue
+ clean_msg = msg
+ # clean_msg = uniformatter.ircToDiscord(msg, pair[1], self.discord_client)
+ print(rawmsg)
+ action_regex = re.match(r"\u0001ACTION (.+)\u0001", clean_msg) # format /me
+ # if action_regex:
+ # formatted_msg = "**\* {}** {}".format(author,
+ # else:
+ # formatted_msg = "**<{}>** {}".format(author, clean_msg)
+ discord_channel = self.discord_client.get_channel(pair[1])
+ # Create webhook
+ self.send_to_webhook(author, clean_msg)
+ else:
+ print(f"[IRC] {rawmsg}")
+ return
+ def split_msg(self, rawmsg): # interpret irc message
+ msgpre, sep, msg = rawmsg.partition(" :")
+ if not sep: # if sep is empty
+ msg = None
+ msgpre_list = msgpre.split()
+ if msgpre_list[0].startswith(":"):
+ prefix = msgpre_list.pop(0).lstrip(":")
+ else:
+ prefix = None
+ command = msgpre_list.pop(0)
+ args = msgpre_list
+ return prefix, command, args, msg
+ def irc_run(self): # start main irc loop
+ if not self.connected:
+ self.s, self.server, self.nick = self.irc_connect(**self.config)
+ line_buffer = ""
+ while True:
+ responce = self.ircsocket.recv(2048)
+ line_buffer += responce.decode()
+ lines = line_buffer.split("\n")
+ line_buffer = lines.pop()
+ for line in lines:
+ line = line.rstrip()
+ if line:
+ self.msg_process(line)
+ else:
+ pass
+ def send_to_webhook(self, author, msg):
+ webhook = Webhook.partial(676940734112333847,
+ "7TxjLhpmmGWKhTAvfBctiBcdO-T5INVkrweK39B74vH9VHvxhHy3eG_qBh368q4E4v6Z",
+ adapter=RequestsWebhookAdapter())
+ webhook.send(content=msg,
+ wait=False,
+ username=author,
+ avatar_url=None,
+ tts=False,
+ file=None,
+ files=None,
+ embed=None,
+ embeds=None)
+ webhook = None
+ # profile image: f"{author}?length=1?&background=0088ff&color=FFF"
+ def send_message(self, channel, msg): # send irc message
+ try:
+ self.ircsocket.send("PRIVMSG {channel} :{msg}\r\n".encode())
+ except BrokenPipeError as e:
+ _thread.interrupt_main()
+ # exit("Error in message size too large. Exiting...")
+ return
+class uniformatter:
+ def discordToIrc(msg):
+ def replaceFormatting(form, replacement, string):
+ start_form = re.escape(form)
+ end_form = re.escape(form[::-1]) # reverse it
+ pattern = r"{}((?:(?!{}).)*?){}".format(start_form, start_form, end_form)
+ str_split = re.split(pattern, string)
+ if len(str_split) == 1: # no formatting required
+ return str_split[0]
+ new_str = ""
+ for idx, part in enumerate(str_split):
+ if idx % 2 == 1:
+ if"https?:\/\/[^ \n]*$", new_str): # make sure this formatting is not part of a url
+ new_str += "{}{}{}".format(form, part, form[::-1])
+ else:
+ new_str += "{}{}\x0F".format(replacement, part)
+ else:
+ new_str += part
+ return new_str
+ def createHaste(code):
+ response ="", data=code)
+ key = response.json()["key"]
+ url = "" + key
+ return url
+ formatting_table = [ # comment lines of this table to disable certain types of formatting relay
+ ("***__", "\x02\x1D\x1F"), # ***__UNDERLINE BOLD ITALICS__***
+ ("__***", "\x02\x1D\x1F"), # __***UNDERLINE BOLD ITALICS***__
+ ("**__", "\x02\x1F"), # **__UNDERLINE BOLD__**
+ ("__**", "\x02\x1F"), # __**UNDERLINE BOLD**__
+ ("*__", "\x1D\x1F"), # *__UNDERLINE ITALICS__*
+ ("__*", "\x1D\x1F"), # __*UNDERLINE ITALICS*__
+ ("***", "\x02\x1D"), # ***BOLD ITALICS***
+ ("**_", "\x02\x1D"), # **_BOLD ITALICS_**
+ ("_**", "\x02\x1D"), # _**BOLD ITALICS**_
+ ("__", "\x1F"), # __UNDERLINE__
+ ("**", "\x02"), # **BOLD**
+ ("*", "\x1D"), # *ITALICS*
+ ("_", "\x1D"), # _ITALICS_
+ ("`", "\x11"), # `MONOSPACE`
+ ("~~", "\x1e") # ~~STRIKETHROUGH~~
+ ]
+ # replace codeblocks
+ msg = re.sub(r"```(?:\w+\n|\n)?(.+?)```", lambda m: createHaste(, msg, flags=re.S)
+ # replace newlines
+ if "\n" in msg:
+ msg = msg.replace("\n", " ")
+ # replace formatting
+ for form in formatting_table:
+ msg = replaceFormatting(form[0], form[1], msg)
+ # clean up emotes
+ msg = re.sub(r"<(:\w+:)\d+>", lambda m:, msg)
+ return msg
+ def ircToDiscord(msg, channel, discord_client):
+ # print(f"[IRC] {msg}")
+ msg = re.sub(r"\x03\d{0,2}(?:,\d{0,2})?", "", msg)
+ formatting_table = [
+ (["\x02", "\x1D", "\x1F"], "***__"), # bold italics underline
+ (["\x1D", "\x1F"], "*__"), # italics underline
+ (["\x02", "\x1F"], "**_"), # bold underline
+ (["\x02", "\x1D"], "***"), # bold italics
+ (["\x02"], "**"), # bold
+ (["\x1D"], "*"), # italics
+ (["\x1F"], "__"), # underline
+ (["\x11"], "`"), # code
+ (["\x1e"], "~~") # strikethrough
+ ]
+ for form in formatting_table:
+ # check for matches for all permutation of the list
+ perms = itertools.permutations(form[0])
+ for perm in perms:
+ if "\x0F" not in msg:
+ msg += "\x0F"
+ msg = re.sub(r"{}(.*?)\x0F".format("".join(perm)),
+ lambda m: "{}{}{}".format(form[1],, form[1][::-1]), msg)
+ for char in ["\x02", "\x1D", "\x1F", "\x0F"]:
+ msg = msg.replace(char, "")
+ mentions = re.findall(r"@(\S+)", msg)
+ if mentions:
+ def mentionGetter(name_match):
+ name =
+ for member in discord_client.get_channel(channel).guild.members: # dota2mods serverid
+ if == name.lower() or (member.nick and member.nick.lower() == name.lower()):
+ return member.mention
+ # user was not found, just return original text
+ return "@" + name
+ msg = re.sub(r"@(\S+)", mentionGetter, msg)
+ return msg
+class IRCBridge(commands.Cog):
+ def __init__(self, bot):
+ = bot
+ global extension_name
+ global irc_client
+ irc_client = None
+ extension_name = "[IRC Bridge] "
+ # sch_irc = await aiojobs.create_scheduler()
+ # await sch_irc.spawn(irc_run(self, ctx, con, sch_irc))
+ @commands.command(hidden=True)
+ async def irc(self, ctx):
+ """Create a link to an IRC channel"""
+ with open("./cogs/config.json") as fp:
+ config = json.load(fp)
+ chan_pairs = [(pair["irc_channel"], pair["discord_channel"]) for pair in config["pairs"]]
+ print(chan_pairs)
+ client =
+ global irc_thread
+ global irc_client
+ irc_client = IRCClient(chan_pairs=chan_pairs, config=config["irc"], discord_client=client)
+ irc_thread = None
+ irc_thread = threading.Thread(target=irc_client.irc_run, daemon=True)
+ irc_thread.start()
+ @commands.Cog.listener('on_message')
+ async def irc_on_message(self, message):
+ global irc_client
+ if message.webhook_id is not None:
+ return
+ if len(message.embeds) == 1 and message.content == "":
+ # message.content = message.embeds[0].description
+ message.content = "Embedded. Cannot show this message."
+ if irc_client is not None:
+ # print(f"Message from bot: { !=}")
+ # print(f"Message is webhook: {message.webhook_id is None}")
+ # if !=
+ with open("./cogs/config.json") as fp:
+ config = json.load(fp)
+ chan_pairs = [(pair["irc_channel"], pair["discord_channel"]) for pair in config["pairs"]]
+ if chan_pairs[0][1] ==
+ msg_string = f"{}: {message.content}"
+ irc_client.send_message(chan_pairs[0][0], msg_string)
+def setup(bot):
+ print("INFO: Loading [IRC]... ", end="")
+ bot.add_cog(IRCBridge(bot))
+ print("Done!")
+def teardown(bot):
+ print("INFO: Unloading [IRC]")