# Embedded file name: /home/bouncer/sassbot/modules/artifact2-0/PlayerCreate.py import PlayerStats import MySQLdb def PickCharacterClan(phenny, parameters, strCmd1): db = MySQLdb.connect(host='localhost', user=phenny.config.mysql_username, passwd=phenny.config.mysql_password, db=parameters['LiveDB']) c = db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor) if strCmd1 is '': return '\x0399Name your Clan.' elif len(strCmd1) < 3: return 'Your Clan name must be at least three characters.' else: c.execute('INSERT INTO `Players` (`Nick`,`ClanName`,`State`) VALUES (%s,%s,%s);', (parameters['Nick'], strCmd1, 'CreationName')) db.commit() return '\x0399The adventure for the ' + strCmd1 + ' clan begins.' def PickCharacterName(phenny, parameters, playerStats, strCmd1): db = MySQLdb.connect(host='localhost', user=phenny.config.mysql_username, passwd=phenny.config.mysql_password, db=parameters['LiveDB']) c = db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor) if strCmd1 is '': return 'Give yourself a name.' elif len(strCmd1) < 3: return 'Your name must be at least three characters.' else: c.execute('UPDATE `Players` SET `CharacterName`=%s, `Alive`=1, `State`=%s WHERE `Nick`=%s;', (strCmd1, 'CreationRace', parameters['Nick'])) db.commit() c.execute('SELECT COUNT(`Requirement`) AS `Requirement` FROM `Items_PlayerPool` INNER JOIN `Items_Master` ON `Items_PlayerPool`.`EquipmentName` = `Items_Master`.`EquipmentName` WHERE `Nick`=%s and `Requirement`=%s', (parameters['Nick'], 'Default')) sqlUnlockCheck = c.fetchone() if str(sqlUnlockCheck['Requirement']) == '0': UnlockItems(phenny, parameters, 'Default') return 'You are ' + strCmd1 + ' ' + playerStats['ClanName'] + '. Pick a race: (H)uman, (O)rc, (E)lf, (D)warf, (L)izardman' def PickCharacterRace(phenny, parameters, playerStats, strCmd1): db = MySQLdb.connect(host='localhost', user=phenny.config.mysql_username, passwd=phenny.config.mysql_password, db=parameters['LiveDB']) c = db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor) strRaceSelected = None if strCmd1.lower() == 'h': strRaceSelected = 'Human' elif strCmd1.lower() == 'o': strRaceSelected = 'Orc' elif strCmd1.lower() == 'e': strRaceSelected = 'Elf' elif strCmd1.lower() == 'd': strRaceSelected = 'Dwarf' elif strCmd1.lower() == 'l': strRaceSelected = 'Lizardman' else: return 'Pick a race: (H)uman, (O)rc, (E)lf, (D)warf, (L)izardman' if strRaceSelected is not None: c.execute('SELECT `Strength`, `Dexterity`, `Constitution`, `Intelligence`, `Dodge`, `Crit`, `Armor` FROM `LK_Races` WHERE `Race` = %s;', strRaceSelected) sqlRaceStats = c.fetchone() c.execute("UPDATE `Players` SET `Strength`=%s, `Dexterity`=%s, `Constitution`=%s, `Intelligence`=%s, `Dodge`=%s, `Crit`=%s, `Armor`=%s, `State`='Rest' WHERE `Nick`=%s;", (sqlRaceStats['Strength'], sqlRaceStats['Dexterity'], sqlRaceStats['Constitution'], sqlRaceStats['Intelligence'], sqlRaceStats['Dodge'], sqlRaceStats['Crit'], sqlRaceStats['Armor'], parameters['Nick'])) db.commit() playerStats = PlayerStats.RefreshStats(phenny, parameters) c.execute('UPDATE `Players` SET `HP`=%s WHERE `Nick`=%s;', (playerStats['MaxHP'], parameters['Nick'])) db.commit() return playerStats['CharacterName'] + ' ' + playerStats['ClanName'] + ' the ' + strRaceSelected + ' begins their adventure' else: return