2) { echo "Error. Too many arguments." . PHP_EOL; exit; } if ($argv[1] !== '--pretend') { echo "Error. Argument `" . $argv[1] . "` is not supported." . PHP_EOL; exit; } $pretend = true; } $video_processor = new VideoProcessor($config); // Lets get the list of replays $files = glob($config['xplane_path'] . '/Output/*.avi'); echo count($files) . " video file(s) found." . PHP_EOL; foreach ($files as $index => $file) { $file_path_parts = explode('/', $file); echo "[$index] " . $file_path_parts[count($file_path_parts) - 1] . PHP_EOL; } echo PHP_EOL . "Please enter the video(s) you want to process, or enter 'a' for all!" . PHP_EOL; echo "For example, '0,1' will process video 0 and 1 and combine them!" . PHP_EOL; $handle = fopen("php://stdin", "r"); $line = trim(fgets($handle), "\n"); if ($line === 'a') { echo "Error. Not yet implemeneted." . PHP_EOL; exit; } elseif (strpos($line, ',') !== false) { echo "Error. Not yet implemeneted." . PHP_EOL; exit; } else { if (!array_key_exists($line, $files)) { echo "Error: '$line' is not a valid option." . PHP_EOL; exit; } $out = $video_processor->process($files[$line], $pretend); if ($out) { $pretend_string = $pretend ? '(Pretend) ' : ''; echo $pretend_string . "Processing complete!" . PHP_EOL; } }