**** Rouge A.I. **** * Backstory * Set in the future, in a we find ourselves aboard . men and women from gather at a for the first time. Known to most, a job like this one, isn't a spacewalk in the park system! A mish-mash of folk form all areas of the 'verse is very common for this type of work. Unknown to most, today's meeting is a rare and special one, amongst the people at the
are rogue Artificial Intelligence bots. These well engineered sophisticated machines escaped from and are on a mission of murder and deceit. Luckily for some amongst the group today we also have a top hacker, a well trained medic, and a cyborg. Hackers in this part of the verse' have top skills when it comes to AI and with this comes the perception and integration skills learnt working for . They are well placed to uncover a secret or two. The medic just got back from and their skills are hard to match. If the medic chooses, there's plenty of healthcare on offer. The Cyborg is a genuine albeit implanted up the teeth. These implants tie-in to the Cyborgs central nervous system and brain stem, giving them improved cognitive abilities beyond imagination, some even say they have mental powers that push the limits of even scientists. ****** Pre-start Order of the day - vote a leader while (noWin): Night Day end