BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterKill davidDavid Fox7 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2018-02-18Kill davidHEADmasterDavid Fox
2018-02-18David woz ereDavid Fox
2018-02-18Split client and managerFbenas
2017-09-02Refactor site:create command to allow creation of extra tasks easierFbenas
2017-08-25Add readmeFbenas
2017-08-25Add config and config loader and remove requirement of trailing slashes in co...Fbenas
2017-08-25Merge branch 'master' of
2017-08-25Add variables to nginx stubFbenas
2017-08-22Merge branch 'master' of Burton
2017-08-22Remove flysystemPhil Burton